An Ode To Love And Falling Out Of It

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To be in love.

The rush.

The butterflies.

The little things that seem impossible to ignore.

The way they furrow their eyebrows when they get mad.

The way they smile when you enter a room.

And the way they take their coffee

In a way falling in love is like walking into a lake. Uncharted.

You never really know how deep it goes until you're too far gone to care.

When the sand between your toes becomes the water in your lungs.

You never realized you were drowning

But how could you

When the current felt like his embrace

You don't know how you got yourself there

but you can't remember a time when you didn't feel like this.

Like you exist for them.

Like there wasn't anything before their love

Before the quiet mornings

Before the late nights

Before you realized you could love someone so much


God forbid you imagine a time after.

After their love has frozen over

And your lungs feel empty

bare, useless, vacant, void, useless, and vain

No matter how many words you use to describe the feeling of an empty bed

Or drawer

Or heart

It all draws the same

The cold will leave you bitter

Angry, and sad

Because you don't know what you really had

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2022 ⏰

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