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The heavy book in the corner of the library's dust covered shelf told all its readers a beautiful story.

It was a story of a Kingdom that became an empire, a crown prince who became an emperor and the love of his life, who was a hero that became a legend.


White petals artistically rained down the streets of Roan empire that day.

It was a great celebration. The wedding of two most important people that the citizens of Roan held close to their hearts. Their emperor and their hero.




"Call me Alberu '' Alberu smiled wickedly, he towered over Cale who he had pinned to the bed. Though both of them drank a lot at their wedding banquet, neither of them were quite drunk, but the burning desire of wanting each other made them feel a bit tipsy.

Fingers slipped under the thin shirt, Cale shuddered at the cold touch, he fought the needful urge to stop breathing as the fingers made its way up, caressing his smooth but firm, slender back. Alberu's soft lips grazed Cale's ears, liking the sensation of the soft flesh, he slowly bit down on it, Cale's grip on his shoulders tightened.

"Now... call me Alberu " The low whisper was tempting, but Cale didn't give in.

"Your highness, the crown prince," Cale smirked.

Alberu clicked his tongue pretending to be not satisfied with the answer, but in actuality whatever Cale called him, as long as it was Cale, anything was fine. But still, this was fun-

"Incorrect.", Alberu growled.

"Your majesty, the emper -hn" Alberu kissed the side of his neck before sliding his lips further down. Cale could feel light shudders coursing through his body as the hands that were exploring his body became rougher.

Alberu raised his head and brought it closer to Cale's face, he too was a bit breathless and there was a devilish glint in his eyes.


"Then... Hyung nim?" Cale tilted his head to the side, his eyebrows were raised and his face had an innocent expression, but the hint of playful twitch at the corner of his lips was too much of a give away.

Alberu gulped as he took in the pretty mess in front of him. He felt something that he had buried deep in the corner of his heart break loose. He leaned in on Cale and took his lips in his, the pleasant feeling that coursed through his body like waves, made Alberu lose his mind, he charged in wanting more, tongue that gained access without the slightest resistance explored every corner and enjoyed every bit of sweetness. By the time the two broke apart, both of them were gasping for breath.

Alberu rested his forehead on Cale's and closely observed the moist, reddened corner of his eyes.

"hyung too... is incorrect" Alberu said in a deep voice, he smiled dangerously.

"Is that so..?"

Cale wanted to have a bit more fun and there was no way the man above him didn't want the same.

And just like that, Cale continued to give incorrect answers to his heart's content.

The night was long.




".... Alberu" Cale who was sluggish laying on top of the brown haired man, called out in a low, sweet voice that had slight cracks thanks to their excessive nightly activities.

Alberu chuckled, he softly pulled the cover carefully over the both of them. Sensing his movements Cale raised his head, his slightly unfocused eyes stared at Alberu for a moment.


"Yeah, it's me." Alberu nodded, his mouth twitching at this cute side of Cale.

"Mhm.. I like you and all.. But my slacker life is -." Cale's head fell lightly back on Alberu's chest. He had fallen asleep again.

Alberu laughed, he liked this honest side of Cale that surfaced when he was half asleep. He kissed the sleeping Cale's forehead.

"I love you too, Cale."

And ofcourse the part with the slacker life was automatically filtered out.

You are my dream.

"I like you, your highness"

My Dream And My Nightmare  [ToCF FF || Albecale]Where stories live. Discover now