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Author's Note: FS in modern day - I realize the situation makes no sense also if this isn't how people cuddle don't blame me I have no way of knowing lol

You run into the room with a large blanket and jump on the couch next to Frank. He lifts the bowl of popcorn away so you don't knock it over.

"Frank, I chose a movie!"

"Which one, baby?"

"Anchors Aweigh."

Frank smiles and puts the popcorn bowl down on the coffee table. You turn on the movie.

You look at Frank and spread out the blanket over both of you. Frank looks at you and smiles. He wraps an arm around you. You feel a sense of peace wash over you, and lean your head on his shoulder.

A while later, you feel your eyes get very droopy.

The next thing you know it's morning and the sun is shining through the windows.

You open your eyes, shocked to find your head on Frank's chest.

You sit up and realize you're on the couch still. You look at Frank's peaceful face. You internally scream he's so adorable.

Frank stirs and opens his eyes. He jumps a little.

You laugh, "I'm sorry. I wasn't staring long. I just woke up."

"What time is it?"



You sit on the couch and let Frank sit up next to you.

Frank rubs his face, "I must've fallen asleep during the movie. Well, you did, too."

You laugh again.

Frank looks at you and asks, "So did you like our first night together?"

You punch him on the shoulder. "You should get home."

Frank scoots closer to you and wraps his arms around your waist. He leans in close and whispers, "But it's only morning." His lips get close to yours.

You lean away and almost laugh. "Frank, go home."

Frank pouts and stands up. "Whatever you say, sweetheart."

Frank Sinatra x  Reader One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now