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REZEF DIDN'T BAT AN EYE AT his wife in the past, as long as she fulfilled her duty as his empress he wouldn't punish her

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REZEF DIDN'T BAT AN EYE AT his wife in the past, as long as she fulfilled her duty as his empress he wouldn't punish her. His affection was more objected to Lady Olivia, the one that his rightful wife longed for. And he was aware of it - he knew the background of Eleanora's childhood. The frigid atmospheres, the minds filled with green of envy, the despicable greed that runs through their veins. The House of Laris was powerful, filled with riches that are worth millions of gold and the net-worth that may even exceed one of a small kingdom.

Eleanor was birthed with the pure blood of Laris, her hand in marriage was sought and fought for by many individuals. Even one single glance from her would make one's heartbeat quicken tenfold. That was the power she had over the people, that more so increased once the crown was put on the top of her head.

When he heard the news of his empress's death, his heartbeat quickened. Was it the feeling of ecstacy now that the one who held more power than him was finally deceased , or the feeling of loss washing over his senses? He held the scrap of paper that contained her final will, one that stated that he should provide love and care for Olivia Grace, the kind of love she didn't get to receive.

That was it. There was no words about the Laris Dukedom, about who will inherit her achievements and riches, not a single word about those important matters. All that Eleanor wished for was for Rezef to provide someone the love she had been depraved of for eons.

He wasn't someone that was full of love to provide, maybe he shared the same sentiment as Eleanor once in his life. To be loved. It wasn't Eleanor's fault that she desperately tried so hard to fight for Rezef's undivided attention. Her feelings was once reciprocated, until everything in their perfect marriage fell apart because of the aristocracy.

The red string of fate that binded them together snapped, and there was no hope for repairing a marriage that was already doomed to be broken from the very beginning.

RAIN POURED DOWN HEAVILY FROM the darkened clouds, the pitter-patter on the roof and the scent of earthy petrichor

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RAIN POURED DOWN HEAVILY FROM the darkened clouds, the pitter-patter on the roof and the scent of earthy petrichor. Eleanor stared outside the window, watching hose crystalline raindrops fall onto the ground. The sound of the door the her bedchambers opened, revealing her loyal lady in-waiting, Frieda.

"Milady, Lady Miya and her daughter has arrived at the neighboring kingdom. The lady has sent her utmost gratitude for providing them to safety." Frieda bows her head, hands situated behind her back as Eleanor nods blankly. "Good. They are on their own from here, I have already provided them enough financial assistance that will last until the child is a toddler if used wisely."

"If Lady Simone wants more, she could work and earn independently for her family." Eleanor added with a small smile, before sitting on the couch in her bedchambers. She grabbed the ceramic tea-cup filled with warm tea, connecting the rim to her lips to sip slowly.

Eleanor had already fed Simone the antidote for the poison in her system, her body may be frail now but her life shalln't be in danger anymore. It was only fortunate that Eleanor was able to specify the poison in her system from learning about the flowers with poison. It just so happened that the poison was Belladonna.

"What will be your next move now milady?" Frieda asked softly, sneaking a brief glimpse at the tranquil lady. "Confronting my father, have him break my engagement and most importantly become the Duchess."

"What about your relatives that also yearn for the position?" Frieda's eyebrows knit together in concern for the lady who simply offered a calm smile. "Anyone who stands in my way shall be rid of promptly. I have been working hard for everyone respect me."

"All that is left to do is break my engagement. And if he doesn't give me what I want, then he'll certainly regret it." Eleanor stated with a blank tone, lacking energy. "Please exit my room, Frieda. I would like to give myself a bit of time to think."

"Of course, milady." Frieda bows her head, swiftly exiting the lady's bedchambers. Eleanor rose from her seat and sat on her bedside with a subtle frown. 'What should I do if Rezef doesn't want to break the engagement?' Eleanor drowsily blinked, a raspy hum slipping past her lips.

'No, it's His Majesty who organized this whole ordeal. His blessing would be sufficient enough for this, and my father's..' Eleanor closed her eyes, allowing her exhaustion to sink within her. Her thoughts started to dim with each breathe she took, taking her back to the time where she ended her own life.

Even for Eleanor, it was still hard to let go of Rezef no matter how intoxicating and dangerous he was. But, she knew she deserved to acquire more greater things in life rather than staying put as his beautiful doll. Being a victim of mental abuse and being put at a pedestal changed her views on life - did she truly deserve to be happy?

Being the Duchess was a mere title she can toy around with, it wasn't something that will guarantee her happiness. But something that will give her the freedom of making her own choices, different from being the one controlled to her every move. Maybe for her, having freedom within her grasps was enough. Soon, the day will come where the white strings binding her will finally snap and have a taste of the freedom that both her in the past and present longed for. To heal the wounds that scarred her - to grow into a better person that she ever was before. 


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