
535 22 4

(8 years ago)

Heeseung's POV:

My parents would often try to explain to me what was wrong with me, especially when I was younger. I didn't understand at first, but as I got older, I finally realized what made me different from other people.

"Heeseung, let's talk." my mom smiled at me, "Come sit here and eat."

"Okay." I nodded and walked over to her

I took a seat at the kitchen island. She placed a plate of food in front of me and I started eating, like she told me to.

"By now, you can understand what me and your father were trying to explain to you, am I right?" she asked

I nodded my head as I chewed my food. She continued talking, telling me more.

"You were born with the lack of emotions, it's a family illness from my side. People won't treat you properly unless you pretend to be normal." she sighed

"How do you know?" I asked

"I was exactly like you before, until I met your father in high school." she smiled, "That's what I wanted to talk to you about."

"What do you mean?" I turned to her

"This illness is incurable. The only way you are able to feel emotions is when you meet someone special." she smiled

"How do I know if I have met them?" I continued eating

"You will just know it, trust me." she chuckled, "Just make sure you never lose them, or else you won't ever be able to feel complete. You must do anything to make sure they're yours... and I mean anything."

I chewed my food, thinking about what my mother told me. My thoughts were interrupted when someone opened the front door, it was my father.

"Welcome home!" Mom got up to greet him

"Thank you." Dad smiled at her, "How are you doing, Heeseung?"

"I'm good." I smiled

Why am I smiling, you may ask? Well when my dad found out that I inherited this illness, he was pretty worried about me. My mom told me to try faking my emotions around him so he isn't as worried all the time. Even tho I act normal around him, I know that he knows at the back of his head that I'm faking all of it.

"I'm done with my food." I told my mother, pushing the empty plate away from me

"Okay, you can go get ready for bed now." she told me, picking up the dirty plate and placing it in the sink

I nodded and went upstairs. I got ready for bed then went to my bedroom.

I laid in bed, thinking about what my mother told me. I will wait for that moment to come, it's the only thing that I am looking foward to. I just want to feel something, not just emptiness.

(Time Skip: 8 years later)

"Are you sure this is a good idea?" Dad asked Mom

"Heeseung will be fine. He was just like me when I was his age, I lived alone too." Mom reassured him, "He'll turn 18 in 2 months anyways, he'll be fine."

"Hm, alright... take care of yourself, okay?" Dad pat me on the back

"I will." I smiled

   I put my last luggage into the trunk of the car. My mom said it would be best for me to move into their other house in Seoul. I am leaving first thing in the morning.

"We'll miss you Heeseung, have a safe trip!" Mom hugged me

   I nodded and hugged her back once more. I got in the car and drove away, following the gps to the address on my phone.

After about a 30 minute drive, I pulled up into the driveway of the house. I unlocked the front door with a key, taking all of my things inside.

As I looked around the house, it was still in pretty good condition. I remember we lived here until I was five, then we moved out. I went upstairs to where my old bedroom was and put all my things inside.

   I realized all of the surfaces were really dusty, considering this place has been vacant for awhile now. I decided to clean up the whole house, that's how my parents always raised me.

(Time Skip: after cleaning)

   I laid in bed after finishing everything. My mom called me earlier saying that I'm already enrolled at my new school, she says she hopes I will find my special someone soon.

   I don't want to feel empty anymore. I want to feel emotions, like everyone else. I want to meet my special someone soon, perhaps they are in the same high school as me?

"I hope I meet them soon..." I thought, as I fell asleep

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