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Kobe:I'm hungry.. r u hungry ppl where
Yn:yeah sure after we eat tho
Kobe:ight cool

*We both got up i put on my shirt as we both walked down stairs*

Yn:u can sit at the diner table while I heat up our food
Kobe:thxx mommy

*She walked off smiling playfully rolling her eyes ,I watched her as she makes each move*

Yn:stop starring
Kobe:Im not starring at cha ugly ass
Yn:yeah sure

*I smile as I walked to the couch*

Kobe:can i watch tv
Yn:ion care
Kobe:Thxx mommy

Yn pov: I side eyed him he js laughed like sum was funny I put our food on the plate bring it to the living where Kobe was at*

Kobe and I both was playing at the park for the last few hrs but I wanted to know more about him*

Yn:come let's sit on the swings
Kobe:but I wanna go on the big slides 🥺
Yn:u r we both r now stop pouting like a baby and come with me

*I grabbed his hands pulling him to the swings*

Yn:let's talk
Yn: anything... What's your bday?
Kobe: January 10.. your?
Yn: August 23
Kobe: virg- what August 23? Your bday is in a month and u didn't tell me
Yn:I mean it ain't that serious
Kobe:ain't that serious bro your turning 19- wait your turning 19?
Kobe:your older then me
Yn: it's ok son

*I pay his head to like a dog he sigh and rolled his eyes Kobe's a rlly cool person Idk y Ian met him sooner*

Kobe:ik I am and bcuz u was a jackass to me
Yn:what...I said that out loud?
Kobe:yes u most definitely did
Yn:stfu cracker

*We both laughed*

Yn:u sound like a Honky saying nigga like that.
Kobe:that was the point duhhh.
Yn:shut yo bitch ass up but anyways u have any other siblings other then Jai.
Kobe:how u Gon tell me to shut up and ask me a question make it makes sense.
Yn:js answer the question dummy
Kobe: yes I do. Cj his 5 and Ka'moni she's 7
Yn: awww babies I love babies
Kobe:they ain't no babies actually cj that nigga be flirting with Melina
Yn:ok and
Kobe: anyways u have any siblings or... your the only child
Yn:pshh I wish I was the only child.. her name is Ana well Adriana she's 22.. I hate her
Kobe:chill y'all r fam you supposed to love he-
Yn:Ian supposed to do shit.. that doesn't mean shit we can have the same blood but we don't have to love each other
Kobe:ok damn my bad I was js saying

Kobe pov: I can tell she was get frustrated so I had to change the subject quick

Kobe:so um what's your favorite color, food , junk, beverage or wtv.
Yn:"Or WtV" shut yo bitch ass up but anyways my favorite color is red , my favorite food Shiiii imma have to go wit pizza and macaroni, favorite junk blue Takis and Hershey ...wby?
Kobe:u didn't answer the last one?
Yn: which was?
Kobe: drink... what's your favorite beverage
Yn:oh shit strawberry crush
Kobe:well my favorite color same as yours red..food um probably hot wings..junk m&Ms , purple bag Doritos-
Yn: spicy sweet chili Doritos
Kobe:same thing
Yn: actually it's not
Kobe:wtv Mrs smarty pants 🙄
Yn: thank you very kind sir
Kobe:last but not least blue Takis
Yn: always tryna be like me
Kobe:,I'm not but ok, my favorite drink is iced tea blueberry lemonade brisk
Yn:ok ok I see u
Kobe: what's the weirdest thing u ever did in the shower?

*Yn start laughing while I starred at her like she's on crack*

Kobe: what's funny? I wanna laugh... what's funny?..I wanna know
Yn: believe me u don't wanna know🤣🤣🤣
Kobe:if I didn't wanna know I wouldn't have ask u😒
Kobe:tell me
Yn:when I was little i used to kiss the wall pretending it was Tari

*she start laughing again and I was jelly i turned around so she wouldn't see my face.. that's what I gotta learn I have to learn that yn into girls and imma have to deal with it..I got knocked out of my thoughts by yn calling my name*

Yn:u cool?
Kobe:yeah I'm fine...I'm js chilling
Yn:oh but what's the weirdest thing u ever did in the shower?
Kobe: it's embarrassing
Yn:I'm all ears 😈
Kobe:😂when I was 13 I was helping my momma water the flowers she said that flowers and plants need water to grow so the dumbass kid I was I spent 5 hr In the shower waiting for ✨ D-breezo ✨to grow
Yn:I-i know u did not😳
Kobe:oh yes I did
Yn:oh my gawd😂😂😂
Kobe:ik rii😂😂 my skin was all r wrinkly and shii
Yn:so I'm guessing u ain't get nun that night 😂

*I was confused on what she was saying then I noticed*

Kobe:naww I'm still a umm a "sigh"
Yn:a what?
Kobe: a virgin I'm still a virgin

*I can see her trying not to let her laugh out which breaks my heart even more than I thought she was different 💔*

Kobe:go ahead and laugh like they all does

Yn pov: when Kobe said that I looked at him his head was down and he was slowly swinging his self I felt bad 😞..I wasn't laughing at him but I was laughing at him I thought he was joking I mean look at him his a very handsome young man so y is he a virgin*

Yn:hey look Kobe I'm srry for laughing I thought u was joking bcuz your very handsome,funny, and clingy I didn't mean to hurt your feelings and I'm srry but if u want to i can take u home and I had fun today and thxx for the company I appreciate it even tho I was mean to u at school

*He smiled and quickly got up hugging me I hugged him back duhhh then I heard the gate that was around the park closed we both pulled away seeing someone with a bright ass flashlight that shit damn there blind us both*

??:this park is closed what r y'all doing here at this time at night, gang actives, selling drugs , prostitute, pimping
Yn:what, no, and eww wth, who r we talking to
??:the police
Kobe:can u put the flashlight down that shit Blinding us
??:y'all both need to leave NOW
yn:ok ok damn

*As Kobe and I both was leaving the police licked his lips and winked at me I would've stoled off his ass rii then and there but his ahh pig and ion got time to be locked up rn *

Yn:u wanna go to the store and buy hella junk
Kobe:shii I'm I'm cool with it
Yn:pick a color
Yn:just pick a color
Kobe:um re-
Yn:don't say it out loud we Gon say it at tha same time
Kobe:um ok ig
Yn:on 3 we Gon say it at the same time...3....2.. 2
Kobe:ok what we do know
Yn: whatever u pick it has to be red and mines has to be blue
Kobe:ight bet


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