I hit it again. I put it in my purse. Five minutes later we showed up. We went in. I tried on dresses and ended up picking this one,

 I tried on dresses and ended up picking this one,

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The girls got their dresses and we went home. I walked in to Logan and a woman.

Logan: Liz. This is my sister rachel.
Liz: hi.
Rachel: hi.

They talked and she left.

Logan: her kids are in the pool.
Liz: ok?
Logan: go out by them
Liz: what?

He grabbed my hand. We went outside.

Logan: boys.

There were four boys under ten. A 3 year old 6 year old 9 year old and a 6 month old.

Logan: Carter Cash Carson and Caden.
Liz: aw that's cute
Logan: yeah?
Liz: Mhm
Carter: you look twelve.
Liz: I'd go back to then. Be in less of a predicament.
Logan: I'd still get you.
Cash: your pretty
Carson: hi
Logan: this is Liz
Carson: lizzy!
Liz: works for me.
Cash: uncle Logan will you stay out here with us?
Liz: yeah Uncle Logan.
Logan: uh.

He turned around to talk to tex. Tex nodded.

Logan: let me go change.

He went upstairs. A few minutes later came back.

Liz: I'm gonna change too.

I went up and put on this,

I went up and put on this,

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I went back outside.

Cash: can we play tag?
Logan: your it.

Cash squealed he tagged Carson. Carson tagged me.

Liz: Hey!

He giggled. I tagged Carter. Carter got Logan. Logan came at me. I ducked. He missed completely. The kids laughed.

Logan: the heck was that?
Liz: my moves.
Logan: what the?
Liz: come on old man try again.
Logan: old man?
Carter: yeah old man

He chased me. He grabbed my pants and wrapped his arms around me.

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