Chapter 2

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Heyyy before I begin this chapter can u guys tell me how often u would want me to publish new chapters just so that I feel like I'm posting enough


I got on the train but I still didn't see my brother in our compartment
(Eh who cares if he's not here then he'll get left I should go look for him tho)
I quickly leave my compartment but then someone runs into me.
"Sorry" I hear a voice say
"Watch where ur going" I snap

But then I open my eyes and the most beautiful girl is standing in front of me with her hand on her head
I then got out of my thoughts and pushed past her to go look for Tom he's a pain in my ass som- I mean ALL the time but still

~TiMe SkIp~

(Idk why but I can't stop staring at the clumsy girl from the train)
I was still in my thoughts when I heard my name "RIDDLE MATTEO"
I was a bit shocked but I walked up to be sorted there was no point I already knew what I was gonna be- "SLYTHERIN"

I started to walk over to the table but I noticed that all eyes were on me either people were staring cause they were afraid or because I'm just so irresistible (😭I'm so sorry that sounds so weird now that I am reading it again but whatever)

I sit across from her she was laughing, talking, and eating. (Idk if anyone else noticed how perfect she looks bu- nah I'm I really over here simping. She's just a girl, just a girl...)

I continued to stare and look away occasionally I have never felt this before usually people stare at me I don't stare. Well I guess I do now? Idk😐
Eventually dinner ended and the feast disappeared everyone left in their friend groups and then there was me but I was better by myse-
"Theo" said Tom
I rolled my eyes "what do u want" I asked
"Nothing u just looked lonely" he said in a jokingly serious voice

I didn't even want to talk to him so I didn't even tho he tried to talk to me the whole way to the common room.

As we enter the common room I see her again and I try to listen for any information on her (not in too much of a creepy way he just wants to know more about u😂)

"Omg y/n remember when Blaise pushed Draco off of the bed" Pansy said laughing in between reliving the moment.
"Y/n" I whispered very quietly
"Huh?" Tom said
"Nothing" I responded

We walked up a small set of stairs that led to our dorms which were different than the others . U could smell that they were new and our initials were carved in the black doors.

I touched the letters M.R. that were in silver. And opened the door it was not as big as I thought but it was ok.
I walked into my dorm where I had my own bed, bathroom, mini fridge, tv, and more.

This is what the room looks like just imagine that there are dark curtains that cause there to be very little light in the room and the bed sheets are black as well as the ceiling.

This is what the room looks like just imagine that there are dark curtains that cause there to be very little light in the room and the bed sheets are black as well as the ceiling

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I don't know what I would do without a bathroom in my dorm how do the other students survive.

I unpacked all my things and got settled in after that I took out a book and read while having the background noise of the tv.


I am in the common room with my friends when I see that riddle boy again.
All of a sudden he is just popping out of nowhere.
When he walked by us he walked slow like he was waiting for something.

At one point he started going at a normal pace again.
I saw him walk up a small staircase
This and the doors were not there last year I wonder why they made those there are plenty of free dorms.

I could not help but continue to think about him he was attractive and there was no denying it like everyone could see it.
What was he waiting for tho
Anyways I stopped simping and started to read with the voices of my friends in the background.

Heyyy there is going to be more interactions between then in the next chapter don't worry
Stay safe luvsss

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