DESCRIPTIONS of the cast

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I'm doing this because... they need it.. :P just doing hair,eye color and height... and name.. SO ya i did this for me and my two friends who might help me write..

Alpha Stevens (Alpha)

Hair Color: Greyish/white

Eye Color: Deep blue

Height 6'2

Izzy (Alphas daughter main character)

Hair Color: Brown/blue (shes emo)

Eye Color: Blue

Height 5'3

Alex (Her supposed mate)

Hair color: Blonde/red

Eye Color: Brown

Height 6ft

Michelle (Izz'ys best friend)

Hair Color: Brown/Blonde

Eye Color: Brown

Height: 5ft

Sammy (Pack Slut)

Hair Color: Brown

Eye Color: Brown

Height: 5'3

Jake (Izzy's true mate Vampire Prince)

Hair Color: Black/red

Eye Color: Red

Height: 5'11

Nicko (Next in line for Alpha)

Hair Color: Brown

Eye Color: Blue

Height: 6ft

Shawnny (Izzy's Sister Nicko's mate)

Hair Color: Blue/black

Eye Color: Brown/green

Height: 5'4

Queen Ella (Jake's Mom)

Hair Color: White

Eye Color: Red\

Height: 5'5

King (Jake's Dad)

Hair Color: White

Eye Color: Red

Height: 6'4

Prince Johnny (Jake's Brother)

Hair Color: Red/white

Eye Color: Red/white

Height: 6'2

Princess Alison (Jake's Sister)

Hair Color: Brown

Eye Color: Red

Height: 4'2

Angel Belle (Fallen Angel founded by queen in streets)

Hair Color: Red/white/black

Eye Color: White

Height: N/A

Amiella (Mother before she was killed)

Hair Color: Blonde

Eye Color: Brown

Height: 5'5

Azmereldia (Witch)

Hair Color: Purple

Eye Color: Purple

Height: 5'5

As you know Izzy's mother is dead.. but she has flash backs of her mother often.. (Her mother was a witch... she was related to Azmereldia they are twins).

And The Royal family.. is not really in this book til the second one? called "The Royals Are my Life"

SO there yayy gonna write chapter 2? or 3 tonight

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⏰ Ultima actualizare: Apr 08, 2011 ⏰

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