Toby tapped Claire's shoulder and mouthed, "What's up?"

She placed her hand over the microphone and whispered back, "That stupid party at Steve's is tonight. I agreed to go ages ago but kinda forgot...I don't really wanna go anyway. But apparently everyone's there."

"You kidding Nuñez? This is great! We should go." Toby replied.


"If everyone is there...maybe that's where Jim went? I'm not certain since there was definitely something shady going on with Strickler and Dr. L, but maybe it's worth just checking? Then we can check out the bookstore and find Aja and Krel."

Claire hesitated, "Fine...but this very much goes against our plans. We won't find those trolls at the party."


Claire put her phone back to her ear, feigning a happy voice, "Hey Mary, sorry just texting my mom real quick. But yeah, I'm coming and I'm bringing Toby."

"Omgggg great! Darce and I are here, plus I heard that Steve told Logan who told Seamus who told Shannon who told Darce who told me that that stupid 90s reject Jim is gonna be here. Apparently Steve invited him so it looks like he's got like compassion or some shit just so he's a shoe-in for Spring Fling King."

"Jim's there?"

"Well I haven't seen him yet, but like he said he'd come so yah. We can totes set you two up. Oh and also those two new kids are here too. Steve is proper going for the blonde one."

"I hope he does show up. Wait? The Tarrons are there?!"

"Yes. Uh Claire Bear are you like going deaf or something? I literally just said that. But ffs girl, get your ass here ASAP, you're missing out on all the fun!"

"Fine, we're on our way."

She hung up the call and mimed gagging Mary jokingly at Toby. Domzalski laughed a little. Both began to head to Steve's place slowly.

Sometime later they reached their destination. Steve's house looked packed. The bass from the music was so intense it could be felt from outside the property. Claire and Toby exchanged a slightly overwhelmed look and walked up to the front door, ringing the doorbell. Both hoped this would yield slightly more success than their attempt at getting information from Jim's mom.
The door was answered by a clearly tipsy Steve, who threw his arms up when he saw them.

"Claireeeee! You made it! And so did I mean Toby you came too, that's just great."

"Hey Steve." Claire fake smiled as she passed him in the hallway and walked into the thumping bass of the party.

"Thanks." Toby groaned sarcastically as he followed Claire.

The rooms were absolutely packed. People from Arcadia Oaks High and Arcadia Oaks Academy were in attendance. Students were dancing, drinking, playing party games, chatting. Looking over the crowds, there was no clear sign of Jim. But that wasn't enough to deter the newly formed dynamic duo of detectives. Toby suggested they split up to cover more ground between them, then reconvene in about an hour when they'd found something out. Claire nodded awkwardly, nervously staring down at the crowd. She watched Toby disappear into the sea of people. They almost seemed to completely swallow him up.
Okay Claire, you've got this. She reassured herself and stepped into a small group, trying to search for Mary. She knew Mary would have more details. Focus on the objective. Find Mary, speak to her, get out. Simple!
However, Claire struggled to keep her focus on the task at hand. The room around her was too full, too loud and it began to hurt her head. The strobing lights and bass were getting to be too much. She had to escape. But everywhere she turned there were just hordes of partying teenagers. They blocked every possible route out. She began to grip at her scalp and made a beeline for the far corner of the room.
She found a spot behind a chair with fewer people where she cowered, doubled over. Her fingers tugged at her dark hair as she rocked backwards and forwards to try and soothe herself a bit. This was hell.
She flinched when moments later, she felt a hand touch her shoulder. Her deep brown irises drifted upwards to meet with a soft grey-blue stare on concern.

For Whom The Bell Tolls (Trollhunters continuation/Evil Jim AU)Where stories live. Discover now