I just don't want to be here.
But is there are way to go back 'NO' their is no way. For a person who doesn't have a family nor a house, and lives in a social house. Where you are bound to authority. You don't need an identity to prove who you are. You are categorised as slave in Kingdom of Aurum's.

For I don't know what reasons, I feel so sad. I'm sad for myself, that kind girl who took her life I'm sad for the people who came along with me.

I'm sad for the world I live in.

I carry my sack with clothes nothing much in sack as there are few attire of dress, a pair of sandals and some personal essential. 

After everyone are out of chart we are made to stand in life. I'm last on the line.

Slowly Freedmen drives the cart inside. I look towards the gate to see small holes in between the walls with pointed arrows directed towards front. His palce is heavily guarded.

"Listen everyone" One of the soldiers roar which brings my attention towards him. He has thick muscles but his eyes is red, like he hasn't slept for days. And if he doesn't sleep for few more days his eyes would pop out. Since I can't ask their name. I will name him Red eyes.

He continues.
"The place you are about to enter is Mount Zipon, the place where country's defence is taken control. All the laws are made here. This place is declared as red zone by the enemies. This place is the protector of the country. No mistake is allowed here and specially no spy, Filth columnist or a traitor" He halts scanning us in line and starts.

"So, YOU" he pauses as he points his hands in our direction and continues

"The workers of Aurum's are welcome here, until and unless you are not any three of them"

" which you are not I believe, but your belongings will be checked as well as each of you" He says as he turn his heel towards the first person standing in the row. To check his belongings with him one more soldiers walk but he is holding a paper and ink.

They start checking their belongings.
Red eye asks him his name which is Lexa, his age is 32. After few seconds he was asked about his disabled part he seems to loose his right thumb finger and his right ear. Which is so sad why would people do that to other's.

He is taken slowly inside the door with a different soldiers. The check-ing continued and now it is time for the first girl in line. From my analysis there's only nine girls here. We were ten but only nine now.

Now the soldiers have exchange their work there's no Red eye solider here but a different one.

The new soldiers come towards me and stands in front of me.
And I don't dare to look up. He speaks with very rough voice.

"What's your name girl" I'm only looking at his sandals his nails are perfectly cut.

"Zoe" I reply.

Another soldier takes my sack nd opens my sack and start digging into them. After few seconds he hands me.

"Tell me your disabled part" his voice is more rough this time.

"n..o..no disabled part Sir" I reply stammering his body keeps towering me.

And without realising he brings his forefinger and lift my chin. And now we are looking into each other eyes. His eyes is dark brown with no emotion he is studying me.
He leaves my chin harshly like I'm a virus. And orders

"Take her to Lady Kan" with this said he leaves. a different soldiers appears and guides me inside. As I enter, I feel a sense of peace like I'm safe here. I quickly push the feeling as I know this place is far from peace.

Mount Zipon is extraordinary or say it's my first time seeing something different than dirty houses.

There are huge tents tied with big nails on ground, but the one which caught my eyes was the one with the flag of truth on the top. The tent was dark in colours the only thing that bought light to the tent was the flag of truth. It was the biggest of all tent.

There were small tents nearby as they were decorated with palette of gold. Which is pleasing to eyes.

I'm headed towards the tent which is white in colour with strips of purple in between, even there is beautiful embroidery pattern of Ruta graveolens. I stop as the soldier in front of me stops and signals me to stay. 

He goes inside and after few minutes comes out and says "Lady Kan calls you. she will be the one to direct you" I nod my head and enter the tent. 

As I enter I see a old lady of about 40 years watering green herbs. Her tent doesn't need essence for good smell as her tent is filled with different Medicinal plants given a thick herbal smell.

I was in a process to make my presence known when she turned. Her face, that was horrifying face. Her face was completely burned just leaving her eyes. But she must have been taking good care as her face as the burns seems to thin away.

She looks straight into my eyes and I freeze. Her gaze is intense.Now she slowly starts walking towards me. She speaks with dim voice but clear in every word.

"Remove all your clothes and lay down on the Cot"

Hey beautiful readers

How was it ?

Do you think they are disabled form birth or someone has forced disabled them?

I will write a chapter on Zoe parents death. You will find it later as you move along the book.

Am I writing long chapters??

Please write comments I would be glad if you could vote..

Thank you for reading :)

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Thanatos (The Warrior)Where stories live. Discover now