The Doll Trunk

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The Doll Trunk is a real ghost story about two young girls who have a terrifying experience during a sleepover.

  A few years ago, my aunt and my cousin Lisa moved house. When they were moving in, the house was empty except for an old trunk. When they opened it up, they found it was full of dolls. Lisa really liked dolls, so she decided to keep them.

  After all of their furniture was moved into the house and they got settled in, some weird things started to happen. It seemed as if the trunk full of dolls would move around the house at night on its own. One day, the trunk would be in Lisa's room and the next morning, it would be up in the attic. At first, they didn't really notice what was happening. Lisa just assumed that her mom had moved it and her mom thought Lisa had moved it.

  One night, Lisa invited me for a sleepover. My aunt went out to the mall with her friends and we were left home alone. It was around 2AM when we heard a loud crash. It sounded like it came from upstairs. We raced up the stairs to investigate and found the trunk sitting in the middle of the hallway. All of a sudden, it went flying past us and tumbled down the stairs.

  We were so scared that we ran into my aunt's room and locked the door behind us. We stayed there for about an hour, but we didn't hear anything else. We assumed it was safe to come out. When we opened the door, we saw something that completely freaked us out. All of the dolls were standing in a line outside the bedroom door. When we finally calmed down, I decided that someone must be playing a trick on us. Lisa stayed in the bedroom, but I went downstairs to take a look.

  As I came to the bottom of the stairs, I saw two more dolls walking across the living room. They were just moving by themselves! I nearly had a heart attack. I ran back up the stairs, butwhen I came to the hallway, I saw that the dolls were gone. I went into my aunt's bedroom and found Lisa sitting on the floor, surrounded by dolls. She was in hysterics.

  I managed to calm her down and she told me that while she was waiting for me to come back, the door suddenly swung open and something started throwing the dolls at her. 20 minutes later, Lisa's mom finally came home. We told her what had happened and she believed us. Lisa and I went to sleep. Early the next morning, before we woke up, my aunt took all the dolls out to the backyard and burned them. After that, no more weird things happened.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26, 2022 ⏰

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