Chapter Thirteen

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The day after their wild night with Sirius and Professor Lupin, Ron, (Y/N) and Hermione were having their breakfast in the Great Hall, when Shelena, who'd gone to the DADA classroom to talk to Lupin, burst through the entrance of the Hall, and made a beeline to her friends. "Guys, guys, you'll never guess what!" her face was so scrunched up in excitement, she looked rather like a squirrel. "Lupin said I can go live with him in his cottage over the summer!" she beamed.

Her three friends, who had been hoping for some good news, cheered for her. The previous night, Hermione had to tell Shelena the unfortunate news that Sirius had to go on the run, again, but that he'd said he loved Shelena dearly, and would be back for her soon. The girl had been crying all through the night, and her three friends were happy that there was a grin on her face again. She still hadn't told anyone but her friends that Sirius Black was her father, but Shelena said she'd be legally changing her last name over the summer. As she settled in to eat, the owls and the morning post began arriving. A large, thin package dropped onto the table next to Ron, who flinched and sent a spoonful of cereal flying in midair. "Sorry, Lavender!" Ron called, when he saw where his spoon's contents had landed — all over the side of Lavender's face.

She glowered at him, then annoyedly stuck her own spoon into her breakfast bowl. "Ooh, the package is for Harry!" (Y/N) said, reading off the tag. "Looks like a broomstick, doesn't it?" she commented. Ron turned back eagerly. "Blimey, it does! Surely Harry wouldn't mind me opening it-" "Ronald! Don't just go through his things like that!" Hermione snapped, slapping Ron's arm with the latest copy of the Daily Prophet. But Ron had already leaned over and untied the string binding the package's wrapping.

Ron gasped in awe at what he saw. "A Firebolt! I don't believe it!" he said so loudly, that he attracted the attention of almost everyone at the table. Hordes of students gathered around the exquisite broomstick, admiring it and muttering envious comments. "Stand back, I said!" Ron said furiously after a minute or two. "Or I'll- or I'll take it upstairs if you don't settle!" he threatened. Of course, nobody listened. Ginny traced the edge of the broomstick longingly. "Harry's so lucky! I wish I could own a Firebolt. You don't think he'd let me ride it, do you?" she squealed to (Y/N) like an excited schoolgirl with a crush — which, well, was exactly what she was.

But (Y/N) had long since stopped listening. Harry had entered the Great Hall, and her breath hitched as she wondered if he'd even bothered to try and comb his hair today, and watched as Neville and Seamus questioned him about the Firebolt, something that Harry had no idea about yet. "What're you talking about?" he asked the two, thinking they'd gone nuts. "Yeah, quiet!" Ron said, getting up from his seat. "Let the man through."

Ron knew he'd have to explain why a package of Harry's was lying opened on the breakfast table, so stammering and stuttering, he lied through his teeth. "I- I didn't mean to open it, Harry. I-it-it, uh, it was badly wrapped." he looked around for another excuse, then spotted Fred, George and (Y/N) grouped together opposite him. "They made me do it!" "Did not!" the three responded together, (Y/N) blowing raspberries at Ron. Harry pushed apart the packaging that was covering the broomstick, and his eyes widened. "For me?" he whispered, not daring to touch the legendary broom he'd heard so much about. "But, who sent it?" he asked. "Who knows?" Ron said, going to stand behind Harry.

Hermione held up a large hippogriff feather with a knowing smile. "This came with it," she said, offering the grey feather to Harry, as the two shared a grin.

After Harry ate a hurried breakfast, he grabbed his new Firebolt and ran off to the courtyard, half the Gryffindors following him and asking him more questions about the Firebolt. Instead of answering any of them, Harry straddled the broom and bent forward a little, then shot off at top speed. However, the top speed of the Firebolt was far greater than that of the Nimbus 2000 Harry had grown used to. He screamed in fear as the broomstick went racing to the sky, his schoolmates cheering after him, not realising his fear.

And that morning, in (Y/N)'s opinion, was the most fun way they could end their school year, with or without their adventure with Sirius Black, family secrets coming to light, and their breaking of the law all happening in one night.

Because hey, she though cheerfully. After all that's happened over the past three years, there's nothing that can shock me at Hogwarts anymore, right?

Oh, we'll see.

Until next time!

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