Chapter 15

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Ookami's POV

I watched as Chouji was defeated I felt bad for him . it was my turn I was the last one of the group and the only person left was my bother, I looked Naruto he gave me a thumps up I let out a sigh and jump down to the arena the same time as my brother did I could hear people murmuring about how we must be related

it wasn't a big deal Hinata fought her cousin why was it weird for me to fight my brother, i wasn't paying attention and the match started I quickly dodge a fist by moving slightly to he right

my eyes widen when I felt the chakra radiate off his hand

"what is ever the matter dear sister" he barked at me glaring with a smirk across his face 

'Ayame?' I called into my head slightly frightened as I continued to dodge

'just cal...' Ayame' stopped mid sentence as a fist right hooked my side (does that make since?)

then all I felt was something a sharp pain in my chest, I let out a shaky breath as my legs went numb along with the rest of my body I hard he faint cry of someone and saw burry gray

'Kakashi-sensai' I thought as if I were calling out but my vision darkened my chest hurts so bad was my last thought

Ayame's pov

I stared at Ookami's lifeless body Naruto was crying as was Sakura I could sense that Kakashi was upset. I glared at her brother form he lay unconscious after I had knocked him out

tears were running down my face there was only one thing for me to do

I sat up straight and put my clawed hand to my chest and pushed in pain ran through me but I continued pushing cracking my bone finally I could feel it

it's fast beating pushing against my fingers from stress, I grabbed it and pulled out breathing in sharply as my heart turned to a ball of light in my hand, my breathing was turning shallow

slowly I put in over top of Ookami's wound and pushed down making the ball of light slip in there was a glow and then she began breathing faintly

I watched as my hand started turning to dust and blowing away in the non existing wind, I stared as medics carried Ookami away quickly and smiled before I could see no more.

hey guys sorry it's sooooooo short and sorry it's been three months since I last posted I truly am but  don't know if there will be a second book to this but I f there is I will make sure to have quite a few chapter done before posting I hope you enjoyed

also i have started making other stories

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