[ 001 ] sleeping beauty.

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sleeping beauty.

JUNE 2018.

"GOD HELP US ALL." A young girl with short black hair says as she watches her friend throw her head back, white powder lingering on her upper lip.

They may be only fourteen and fifteen years old but some Kooks have been introduced to hard drugs at ages much younger than them.

Lyn Rogers laughs wildly as she shakes her head. The crowd around the two friends let out a loud cheer. It's Lyn's first time trying coke; she's tried pot and molly before but that's it. Now she's gotten a taste of cocaine.

Layla Rich watches her friend with sad eyes. She knows Lyn is using the drug in attempt to turn her back from her problems but it isn't working. Layla can see the sadness and anger still raging in Lyn's blue eyes.

"Holy shit!" Lyn shouts. She looks at Layla, "Lay, you gotta try this shit, dude!"

"I'm good." Layla shakes her head. "It's not really my scene, Lyn."

Layla isn't going to taint her body with that disgusting life ruiner. She already has her entire life planned ahead of her. She's going to go to be a world champion cheerleader. She isn't going to wash it all down the drain because of one simple party at the measly age of fourteen.

It's the end of the school year, people host parties in honor of the end of another difficult year at what the Pogues call 'Kook Academy'. It's like a giant, "fuck you, school! We never gave a fuck anyway!"

But in all reality, they all give many fucks. The kids on Figure Eight are too scared to let down Mommy and Daddy. They're too scared to lose their trust funds.

But once the school year ends?

All hell breaks loose on Figure Eight.

It's two months of being drunk and high. It's two months of throwing ragers and going to the beach. It's two months of freedom.

The parents don't give any shits what their children do as long as they don't die. Most of the time, none of them know where their kids are on the island. And that's the sad part.

Farther away from where Lyn Rogers decides to end her life and Layla Rich watches it unfold, their blonde friend throws back a shot of she doesn't even know what. Fourteen years old and already drinking. Who would've thought?

Her friend, Topper Thorton, stands protectively beside her, making sure no out of control teenage boy slips something in her drink. They've tried it before and Topper beat the shit out of both of them. They were sent to the hospital. Topper's mom and Aurora Fernsby's shitty dad are sleeping together. It's common knowledge on the island. Everyone keeps telling the pair of friends they're going to be step siblings.

And every time  they do, someone is always moaning the words, "oh, step-bro, I'm stuck!" It disgusts Rory and Topper. Never in a million years would that happen. Ever. They've known each other and been friends for too long. Not to mention, they would be siblings.

Topper is more of a brother to Rory than a friend. He's been there in times when Layla and Lyn were too busy with their own lives.

"Is Lyn okay?" Topper asks suddenly, glancing back at where people are gathered around Lyn and Layla.

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