[ 000 ] hopeless.

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TRUTH BE TOLD, AURORA FERNSBY NEVER WANTED TO BE A KOOK. To the some Pogues, the Kook life seems luxurious. And it is at times. But if you look deep into the life of families like the Fernsby's and the Cameron's, you see the other side.

When you look into Dylan Fernsby's blue eyes you can the kindness in them. But when you look into his daughter's eyes you can see the fear in her ocean blue eyes. Some may question where the fear comes from. But to others, it isn't hard to tell.

You can see the bruises she tries desperately to cover up with all types of makeup. You can hear it in her tone when she speaks to her father. You can see it in her body language.

Rory never talks about what her father does to her. The endless abuse he puts her through since she was only a child. And still— no one is ever there to save her from the man that is going to kill her one day.

You know. . . life is hard when your mom runs out on your and your dad when you're only three years old.

And no one would tell you that the moment Rafe Cameron walks into the room at the party, you should've walked out.

Rory was the unlucky girl Rafe Cameron just so happened to lay eyes on.

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