Joel [revamped 2]

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Why do I keep revamping-

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Why do I keep revamping-

Headcanons (and explaining my interpretation of gods/godfolk):

He is blind due to childhood injury. He has extra eyes on his forearms (covered by gloves) and face (though they are blind as well), and has flowers growing on his face. Since Zeus is the god of thunder already, I decided to make him the god of life. He's cocky because of how important his role is as the god of life, but it's also because it's a defense mechanism. He's been belittled by fellow godfolk since he'd been blinded for, well being blind. He's still Polyamorous, and he's also Panromantic and Asexual. I headcanon that he's asexual because sex is just something he doesn't need, he A. as a god, cannot feel sexual attraction (since that isn't his job, the only god(s) that can feel sexual attraction are the gods of either, well pleasure, or love. This does not mean that gods not in that category cannot have sexual relationships, however, they just wouldn't be attracted sexually to the person they are doing it with, either romantic feelings, or platonic with benefits only), B. he wouldn't need it if his intentions were for reproduction. He can just create a new being, easy, and C. he just isn't interested in sexual activities. 

His partners are Sausage (of whom he shares an adoptive son with, Hermes), Lizzie, and fWhip. He's typically calm and collected, rarely speaking at all, unless you're another ruler, or you are on friendly terms with him. That's when his true colors are revealed. In reality he is chaotic, loud, and somewhat obnoxious (it can be endearing sometimes, but often it's just annoying). He means well, of course, but it's not obvious that he does unless you've known him for a while and can pinpoint his behaviors and their meanings.

If you've wronged him in any way, oh boy you've got another thing coming. Despite his poised, somewhat even gentle, nature towards the public, if you get on his bad side, just expect to be hearing whispers around the empires about you. He's a master manipulator when he wants to be. He also isn't afraid to resort to more...Intense measures, if you've really messed up.

He cherishes his son dearly, and makes sure he has everything he could ever want or need. He spoils him. A lot. If anything were to happen to Hermes, he would be miserable, probably unable to even leave his home out of devastation. But, if someone ever hurt Hermes, they'd be dead as soon as he found out.

He also loves all of his partners equally. He experiences love a little differently than they do, but he doesn't think that's a reason that they cannot be together. His feelings of love are very light and subtle, it's hard for him to fall "head over heels" for someone. This, however, doesn't mean he doesn't love his partners, his feelings are just less intense to prevent his kind (godfolk) from being too emotion-based on decisions, because that could easily destroy everything, since gods are already quite emotional and sometimes overdramatic. Imagine that amplified. As the god of life, his experience of emotions is very dull compared to other gods, since his emotional control is way more important than some other gods' is.

The only god(s) that have regular emotional experiences are the god(s) of pleasure and love, as it helps them be empathetic with mortals about whatever they're going through in that department. 

He's somewhat apart of Scott and Katherine's gardening club, but he mostly just goes there to watch and destress. He can garden, yes, but he's too large to garden the way the rest of their little club does.

As the god of life, he is also technically the god of nature, everything that is alive, meaning he can manipulate nature in any way he wants. Other than weather, that's an entirely different god's job.

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