Chapter 5

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"The morning has come, at last, everybody. Your training begins today!" Aslan, the first mate of the Air Mando, said cheerfully as he opened the door as the sun began to rise.

"What are my other options?" Benedict challenged.

"Listen, young man, you have two choices when you are a captive on the Air Mando. You either learn how to be a member of this crew, OR YOU WALK THE PLANK!" Aslan yelled authoritatively.

"Knowing that we will be leaving tonight, I guess one day of pirate training will not be the worst," Benedict thought. He then told the first mate, "Fine, I will learn how to be a pirate for the dreaded Captain Moncilia."

"Thank you, but you shall not refer to our leader as dreaded. Instead, you will refer to him as the powerful Captain Moncilia, or, if you would prefer, Sir."

The captives walked out onto the upper deck into the sunlight, where all of the crew members of the Air Mando awaited them.

"Good morning, men," a tall man greeted as he stepped forward. He had long black hair tied in a ponytail that came down to his shoulders, a goatee and thin mustache, and wore an elegant scarlet coat and matching hat.

"So, you are Captain Moncilia?" Caden asked because he had not seen this man yet due to being kidnapped at night.

"Yes, he is, and I am Joseph Blaine, a loyal companion of his from the beginning," the man who defeated Caden in a sword fight the previous day explained proudly.

"So, what are we learning today, Sir?"

"The first thing every pirate learns is how to climb to the crow's nest and hoist the sails. Young man, I can see you right now, do not try to leave," Captain Moncilia said, taking notice of Charles trying to get to the dinghy and off the ship.

"If I can not escape like this, I shall challenge you to a duel!" Charles announced impulsively as he grabbed a sword and charged toward the captain. However, when he was only six feet away from Captain Moncilia, Charles was defeated by the captain's impressive swordwork within seconds.

"Wait, what? How is that possible!" Charles demanded.

"After more than twenty years of being a pirate captain, you learn a thing or two about how to use a sword," Captain Moncilia answered.

"Are you going to make me walk the plank because I lost the duel?"

"Why should I? I see no need to for something like this."

"Anyway, enough with all of this silliness! All of you, get in a line next to the ladder right now! It's time for your first lesson!" The Terrible yelled. The captives obeyed within seconds.

"Your first task is simple. Climb up to the crow's nest, hoist the sail, and climb back down after unleashing it," Captain Moncilia directed. He paced the upper deck, each step clearly heard by everyone, as he waited for the first captive to attempt the task. Not wanting to walk the plank, Benedict immediately started climbing the ladder. At the same time, the others waited and prayed that they would survive till that night when they were planning to leave the Air Mando.


"Meg, I noticed that you immediately took the proper fencing stance when you first noticed me on the ship this morning," Jasper stated inquisitively after he and his new shipmates had lunch.

"I guess I did. Why do you point this out?" Meg asked.

"This shows that you seem to know more about fencing than you are letting on. Would you mind showing me your skills?"

"I would love that!" Meg replied as she grabbed the swords she had packed below the deck.

"But please be careful," Annie said nervously before the duel began.

Similar to her fight with Caden, Meg showed that she could hold her own with the weapon. However, unlike Caden, Jasper had studied the art of fencing for years, and it was more of a challenge for Meg to fight against.

"Oh, my, I did not remember you being this great with a sword," Jasper complimented.

"Are you trying to distract me right now?" Meg asked as she smiled and climbed the ship's stairs while still looking at and fighting her opponent.

"No, I simply wanted to be polite."

"Well, thank you, but could we save the discussion for after the duel?"

"If you would prefer."

The fight lasted almost five minutes and ended with Meg on the ladder with nowhere else to go.

"Ah, it seems like you have bested me," Meg chuckled after her sword fell to the deck.

"That was a good fight, I must say; you impressed me a lot, Meg. But what made you so interested in the art of fencing in the first place?" Jasper asked as Meg climbed down the ladder.

"Mother told me that my father had an immense passion and love for the art of fencing, and because I never knew him, I thought it would be a way to help me feel connected to him in some way. Thank goodness that my mother and uncle supported my wish to learn how to use a sword. However, I must say that you are truly brilliant with the blade. Could you give me more tips?"

"Eager to learn, I see."

"Well, you never know who we might be dealing with once we find our friends," Meg explained. "It is also nice to meet someone else who does not mind me using a sword and is willing to teach me more," Meg thought.

"Also, I hope you do not mind me asking this, but why did you want to come out to the sea so much?" Jasper asked after Annie went back down to the hold of the Night Wind.

"Well, a lot has been happening on land. My mother passed away after a lengthy battle with influenza almost two weeks ago, and a man who does not respect my wishes is trying to force me into marriage with him. When Caden decided to go off to sea to rescue Robert, I offered to come along, hoping to take my mind off of my problems on land and maybe find my father's murderer," Meg answered, amazed at how easily she could explain her situation to Jasper.

"Wait, your father was murdered?"

"Yes, he was murdered during his final trip on the sea before I was born. I have made peace with this fact, but the person who took his life must pay for what they did not only to me but also to everyone they have harmed," Meg continued, shocking herself more with what she was allowing to come out of her mouth.

"But do you really think taking their life is the right thing to do?"

"Think about your father. How would you feel if someone murdered him?"

"I would naturally feel very hurt and devastated by their actions. But I personally do not think taking their life would bring me the satisfaction that you think it would. However, if you are determined to take revenge in that way, I will not try to stand in your way."

"I am probably over my head anyway. I should focus more on finding Caden and the rest of his friends and making sure they are safe than this possible revenge," Meg thought before she and Jasper went back to practice sword fighting.

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