"It's Shuichi and Kaede. Stay quiet." You said. Tsumugi nodded and started listening in as well.

The sound of rumbling could be heard on the other side, meaning they opened the bookcase.

"The dust is gone!" Kaede exclaimed.

"That's right. I checked it right after Nighttime yesterday, and the dust was there." Shuichi explained. "But this morning, it was gone."

"So that means... someone entered this door during nighttime?" Kaede asked.

"That got me thinking. This may sound far-fetched, but..." Shuichi paused for speaking, "Perhaps Monokuma's revival is related to this door somehow."

"How so?" Kaede asked.

"Remember what the Monokubs said?" Shuichi asked.

"Uhm... so there's a machine that can build spare Monokumas?" Kaede mentioned.

"That would explain why we saw Monokuma alive and well this morning." Shuichi said. "At Nighttime, someone went through this door and activated the machine."

I thought I already did that though? I'll think about it later. Maybe Tsumugi went through the door and put Monokuma in that Jibayan cosplay.

"And then there's what Monokuma just told us." Shuichi pointed out. "The way he phrased it seemed peculiar. Why not just say 'everyone will die'? He went out of his way to specify that students 'forced to participate' will die."

"Huh? But why?" Kaede asked.

"My deduction is that one of us volunteered to participate and wasn't forced." Shuichi explained.

I mean, I'm one of the masterminds, but I was technically forced to be here. I guess Tsumugi wanted to play this retarded game.

"That would mean they would avoid execution without breaking any rules." Shuichi continued. "Perhaps that's why Monokuma said it that way."

"And that person is the one in our group that's cooperating with Monokuma?" Kaede asked.

"I don't know if Monokuma is that strict with rules, but if he is trying to protect someone..." Shuichi trailed off before speaking again. That would imply that they're doing more than just cooperating with Monokuma."

"What?" Kaede said in confusion.

"I believe that if one of us can create spare Monokumas... they are the mastermind of this killing game." Shuichi said.

Who said there was one? Wait, I'm just playing Tsumugi. What will happen at the end of this, I wonder.

"So, the person who's responsible for all our suffering... is one of us?" Kaede asked, worry in her tone.

"Of course, this is just what I've deduced, but it is entirely possible." Shuichi said. "That's why I didn't want to talk about this in front of everyone. If we told them now, they might all try to find the mastermind, and be led to murder. That's why... I could only tell you, Kaede."

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