Chapter 3: Like Royalty

Start from the beginning

"...fuck it. Fine." I told her, still extremely annoyed. I didn't want to give her the benefit of seeing me topless, so I used a trick one of my fathers many girlfriends taught me.

I struggled to put the bra on under my white low cut tank top, but I got it rather quickly, remembering exactly what that woman did.

I stared at Bayley as soon as it was clipped. She looked rather impressed, but I didn't care.

I saw a car pulling up beside us, so she immediately looked back, curious, so while she wasn't looking, I pulled the inside lock open and got out of the car.

Before we move on, I'll explain my...habit really quick.

As you all know, I leave bras and sometimes panties in cars I ride in. This is because I hate underwear. They make me sweat, so as soon as I get in the car, or the hotel sometimes, I would take them off, so my bits don't get covered in sweat, you know?

Anyway, unlike the internet, let's move away from my tits and ass.

I walked up to the familiar car, to see Seth and Becky getting out, the latter of which was getting their baby out of the backseat.

"Ah, Charlotte." Seth pointed me out just as Becky stood up straight, Roux in her arms, and looked back at me with a smile.

"Hey guys. Everything alright?" I asked them, pointing at the car. They both looked at one another, before we heard another car pulling up.

"Uh...yeah, we're fine..." Becky told me, as we all looked at the car, just as it pulled up right beside Becky and Seth's car, and as soon as it stopped, Sasha and Adam both stepped out.

"Well helloooo ladies. Even you." Adam smirked, pointing at Roux in the end, who smiled at him. He smiled too, and looked over at Sasha, who immediately leaned on his side.

"What were you all talking about, huh? Hopefully not us." She joked, wrapping her arms around Adam's right one.

"Ah, nothing yet. You pulled up just as I started talking." I told them with a smirk, waving my hand a bit. They both looked at me for a second, before shrugging a bit.

"Well, don't stop on our account. Keep talking." Sasha told us, gesturing to all of us with a smirk. I was confused for a second, because I didn't know what to talk about.

"Uh, Charlotte. D'ya wanna hold Roux? She seemed to like you last week." Becky asked me, so I hummed curiously and looked at her. She offered her to me like a little shrug, before I looked over at Adam, seeing him smiling.

"...actually, I think Adam should try it." I told her, pointing over at my ex boyfriend, who slightly raised his eyebrows.

"Oo, no no no. There's no way Adam is good with kids, give her to Charlotte." Sasha told us nervously, as Adam just stared over at us, waiting for Becky to make a decision.

"...Mm...I think he'll be okay..." Seth said with a bit of a nod, his bunned hair bouncing as he did. Becky smirked a little, and nodded as well.

"Come on Adam. Just hold her." She said, waving him over. Sasha was still unsure, but Adam immediately pulled his arm out from her grip and jogged over.

"Tch, Jane with a baby? That's a mistake." We heard Bayley say, so I looked over and saw her approaching from her car, finally.

"He'll do great, I can tell." Becky said out loud, slowly passing Roux over to Adam.

I could tell Adam was nervous at first, and I think Roux could feel it, so I stepped over and put a hand on the mans back, which almost immediately seemed to settle him down a bit.

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