I'm gonna be a dad part 4

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Warning :Nothing rlly ,fluff ,slight angst
Summary :How you and Eddie got on with your little girl over the years
Requested :yes

The first few months with yours and Eddies baby girl Rosemary was difficult .Often as many parents have to ,you and Eddie would get little to no sleep in order to care for your little girl .You'd take it in turns to feed her during the night but even if it was your slot Eddie would often lean against the door frame watching you feed his baby .Sometimes you'd be so exhausted Eddie would force you to stay in bed ,insisting he'd take your shift .

After hours of the baby non stop crying ,you'd call for Eddie ,telling him to just let the baby sleep with both of you ,wich often or not would end up being the case .Your little girl would fall right asleep on Eddies bare chest ,it's fingers gripping the boys hair .

Yes ,Eddie soon realized what a pain his long hair would cause him ,he'd end up borrowing your hair ties to keep it out of his face when he was playing with his baby girl or when he was just patting its back .

No way was he getting baby sick on his lushious locks .

After the first few months ,you and Eddie were able to sleep together again ,having been fully healed and feeling slightly less exhausted .The boy was nothing but gently the first time since you'd had the baby ,showering you in compliments and kissing the newly formed scars on your body .

Eddie loved to take the baby swimming ,often he'd drive all three of you to the local pool ,blowing up inflatable arm puffs for the baby despite the fact he'd never leave her by herself .

If the pool was too busy for his liking he'd take the two of you to lovers lake ,letting his baby girl float on her back as he cushioned her little head with his big hands .

As the months went by and Rosemary became a toddler ,Eddie would help his little girl start to crawl and walk , cheering her on and constantly kissing her on the crown of her head full of curls as a praise and well done .

You tended to sit back and watched your boyfriend be an amazing father and you always asked yourself how you got so lucky .

The boy acted the same when he was teaching Rosemary how to speak ,sitting the girl in her high chair whilst he took her little hands in his big ones and mouthed out words for her to say .

Despite the fact Eddie now had so much of his attention on your baby girl ,he certainly hadn't forgotten about you .As Rosemary grew older to just under 6 years old ,he popped the question you'd been wanting to hear for years .

He took you to the woods one evening when a babysitter was round .He walked infront of you whilst his hand was intwined with yours ,pulling you down to the bench the two of you had so many memories with .

Candles and petals were scattered across the floor and as he perked you on top of the bench he kneeled down ,ring in hand .

Of course you said yes ,hastily kissing the boy and placing the ring on your finger .The closer you liked at it the more you realized how magnificent it was .Eddie had made a ring out of the wood from his old guitar ,both your names carved around the edges.

You remembered the night you had done that .

The wedding was half a year later ,it was simple yet magical .Rosemary stood baring the rings in a little bridesmaid dress whilst you and Eddie stared at each other lovingly at the alter .Your dress was the typical white ,princess like and lacy whilst Eddie wore a black suit and god did he look handsome .

You'd invited a few people ,old friends ,new friends ,but not much family .You'd not even thought about asking your parents and the same was with Eddie ,only his uncle Wayne .

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