Chapter 3

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Pico hated to admit that he had spent the past hour cleaning his whole apartment, and then trying to artfully make it look as if he hadn’t been doing that at all.

He wanted to seem calm, but he also wanted to impress Nene. After he’d finally sat down with Seal again (who was still sleeping soundly) he lit his joint and took a few hits to calm his nerves as 6 o’clock quickly approached.

He was about half way through and feeling more relaxed when he heard 3 knocks at his door.

He opened the door and there she was standing in front of him in what he could only describe as an indecent dress.

“Hey, Nene. How are you doing?” Pico said softly and slowly with a smile on his face, trying to be subtle as his eyes raked over her. Her beaming smile made his heart flutter.

“Hi.” Nene said, her arms slightly swinging behind her back.

Pico stepped back and motioned for her to step into his apartment. He led her through and watched as her eyes darted around his space. She took in the warm woods, house plants and pops of warm colours. She liked how homely and stylish his space was, she automatically felt relaxed and she wasn’t sure if it was the energy of the space, or the energy of the man in front of her.

Nene smiled and then started speaking quickly “Pico, I’m so sorry if Seal was any trouble. I guess since we’ve just moved in she decided she wanted to explore. I’ll try and figure out how I can keep her contained while I’m at work.”

As she was talking Pico walked them out to the patio and motioned to Seal, who was still curled up on his outdoor couch.

Nene looked at Seal sitting there as if she owned the place and grinned. She was definitely the more confident of her two cats and Nene wasn’t particularly shocked at her behaviour.

She thought of her ginger cat, Peter at home who was surely unhappy at his sister's sudden disappearance. He was a big baby and definitely not brave enough to make the leap from their balcony to Pico’s.

“So uhh since Seal is cozy, do you want a drink or something?” Pico asked as he brushed his hand over the back of his neck.

“Oh I wouldn’t want to intrude, I can just pick her up and go.” Nene secretly hoped he wanted her to stay, she was enchanted by his balcony full of plants.

“It’s no bother, plus I haven’t properly welcomed you to the building. I’ve got beer, soda or red wine.” As he said this he motioned for her to sit down next to Seal. He was trying to not let slip how desperately he wanted to sit and talk with her.

“Thanks Pico. I’d love a wine.” She beamed as she sat down and started to stroke Seal. The little cat slowly blinked open her eyes at the familiar touch, gave a little chirp and stretched before settling back in.

As Pico went to retrieve the drinks, Nene let her eyes roam over the vast array of plants around her.

She marvelled that this man and the slightly gruff outer exterior took the care and patience to nurture them all. She’d heard the mutterings of her neighbours in the hallways and had a few conversations with one woman who had told her to be weary of Pico.

Pico came back shortly with a glass of red wine for Nene and another beer for himself. As he settled down next to her he picked up his half finished joint and asked if she minded. She shook her head, no, and took a sip of her wine.

“I’m not surprised Seal came over here from my balcony. She’s a little adventurer and this would feel like a jungle for her! It’s so incredible up here, like a little paradise.” Nene gestured around the balcony with her free hands as she said this.

Pico smiled into his beer at the compliment.

“So Pico, tell me about yourself. What do you do? Other than use your green thumbs.”

“Well I’m sort of a handyman come builder for my day job. It’s good, I like using my hands.” Nene was currently looking at his hands wrapped around his beer bottle.

“I can see that.” Nene said as she tore her eyes away from his fingers and gestured to the plants around her before she blushed. She wondered if the wine was going to her head, did that sound as flirty to him as it had to her?

Pico smirked as he took the last puff of his joint before stubbing it into the ashtray by his side.

They continued talking and before they knew it they were both two drinks in and feeling happier than either had in a long time. Pico wasn’t usually one for chit chat, but this didn’t feel like small talk which he actively avoided. He was interested in what Nene had to say.

Nene checked her phone and made a noise of surprise at the late hour, “I better get home.”

Pico tried to hide his look of disappointment. He hadn’t even noticed how late it had already gotten. This was easily the best evening he’d had since he last saw Darnell. He wondered if she hadn’t enjoyed it as much as he had.

Nene had a slightly awkward smile on her face at this. When was the last time someone had seen her so clearly and so quickly? She wasn’t sure anyone ever had. She tried to stifle the want to curl in on herself and brush off this man's affection.

“So since I’ve got your number, can I give you a call sometime?” Pico didn’t mind putting himself out there for Nene. He didn’t want to come on too strong, but he definitely wanted to see her again.

“Yeah, I’d like that.” Nene said, her eyes trained over his face as she smiled. It wasn’t often that men were both forward, polite, and kind. It always felt like they were either playing games or only using lines to get you into bed. Pico felt unbelievably genuine and Nene was more than pleased.

Nene stood up and gathered Seal into her arms before slowly walking with Pico towards his front door. He opened it and stepped out into the hall with her.

“Don’t be a stranger now Nene, or you Seal,” Pico leaned forward and brushed his fingers gently across Seal until they met Nene’s hand. He softly let them trail over her hand before giving it a light tap.

“Anything you need you let me know.”

“Thank you, good night Pico.” Nene said softly as she slowly turned around and made her short way to her door. Pico leaned against the wall with his arms crossed over his chest and smiled as he watched her unlock the door and look back at him before stepping in. She smiled then ducked into her dark apartment, plopping Seal down.

Peter quickly came trotting over wondering where they had been and sniffed Seal all over to try and understand. Nene leaned back against her closed door and bought her hand up to her face. She could still feel where his fingers had brushed hers and her cheeks were aching from the smile she felt had been stuck on her face for the last few hours.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2022 ⏰

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