Chapter 2

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He took another long drag off his joint to calm his fluttering nerves as he pulled his phone out of his pocket and turned Seal's tag over so he could read the number.

He slowly typed it in and hit the call button. It rang and rang and he almost hung up as he thought he would just send a quick text explaining the situation. As he was pulling the phone away from his ear he heard a soft voice pick up.


“Uhh what's up. I’m just calling because I uh have your cat.” He slowly drawled out, wishing he had maybe thought what to say a bit more carefully. He had been taken aback by the thought of the soft breathy voice. He shook himself and carried on.

“I mean, your cat, Seal is at my apartment. We must be neighbours”

He heard a little squeak on the other end when he said the cat's name and suddenly a rush of words were coming through the phone.

“Oh my god! Seal is at your apartment? I’m so sorry, is she okay? I can’t believe her, she is honestly such a mischief maker.”

“Nah it's all good. She's just been chilling with me, you don’t need to be sorry…” He left his sentence hanging as he didn’t know her name.

“Nene.” She replied softly to fill in the blank.

“Nene,” he drawled, feeling the way it felt in his mouth. “I like that. That’s a nice name.”

He heard her exhale on the other end of the phone and when she replied “Thanks.” He could hear a smile in her tone.

“Well, I’m Pico, I live in apartment 11.”

Pico was still rubbing his fingers over Seal's ears as she purred next to him.

“Oh you’re the balcony with all the  plants?!” Nene replied. Pico thought her voice sounded like sunshine as he felt his cheeks warm.

His eyes glanced across to the balcony next door, waiting for her to confirm she was the new neighbour.

“Well I’ve moved in recently, just to the right of you. I’m always admiring your plants, I have such a black thumb, I can’t seem to keep any plants alive.”

Pico smirked at this.

“Aw come on now, maybe you just need someone to show you the ropes.” He realised that he was flirting, although he hadn’t consciously decided to do so.

He couldn’t remember the last time a conversation with someone other than Darnell had made him smile so much. He was trying to repress how happy he was to know he was talking to his new neighbour. Usually he was a polite nod kinda neighbour, definitely not flirting and blushing.

She giggled on the other end of the line and he couldn’t help the humoured huff he let out.

“Maybe…” she sounded slightly breathless before clearing her throat and saying “Well I’m still working right now, do you mind if I come collect Seal after? I finish up at 6 so I should be back not long after that.”

“Course, and don’t worry bout her. I got you.” Pico replied, looking down at the little cat fast asleep next to him.

“Thanks Pico! I’ll owe you one. See you soon.”

“See you soon, Nene.”

Pico hung up the phone and looked out at the sunset. The soft peaches and lilacs painted the sky and he felt as if he was floating in them for a moment.

“Well little one, I can tell that we are gonna be friends.” He said softly, letting his fingers trail through Seal’s soft fur.

He hoped she wouldn’t be his only new friend by the end of the night.

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