The last text came in just a few minutes prior. She decided to be helpful and call the impossible man instead.

~ Phone Call ~

Hello Love of mine
Hey babe. Look, I'm not in danger, that's just what she is going by now. I have her in a safe location for now and will speak with her more tomorrow. Poor girl looks like she's really been going through some shit.

You know where she is? You have been in touch? Ness, please, where is she?
She is safe Wade. Now let me see what I can do before you bunch scare her off again.

1 day, Ness. That's all you get. These assholes are driving me insane enough to want to find a therapist. We both know that word wasn't even in my vocab-bank before them. Just.... if she needs to kick someone's ass, I volunteer my left cheek and right testicle for strangulation!! However, I need my right ball because I owe you a deposit or two!

~ End phone call ~

After Wade and Vanessa hung up, her head hung low as she considered the idea of the young woman upstairs. What had happened to her to truly change the way she interprets things?

The next morning, Vanessa made her way up to the room she had leant Raven, or as she is known now, Reagan. When the door swung open before she knocked, Vanessa was startled to find the occupant looking very similarly to how she did the night prior.

"Did you sleep at all?" Vanessa could tell the answer from the dark circles under the other's eyes as well as the slightly pale hue to her skin.

"I don't sleep much these days. I did appreciate the security of knowing I had some privacy, thank you very much. I brushed my hair and was about to brush my teeth and meet you downstairs. Am I in your way? Oh! You needed your office space, of course. I'll get out of your hair now. If you don't want to hire me, I won't be offended. Thank you for everything you've done and the quiet place you provided for me."

Vanessa was trying to process everything the woman had said and ended up focusing on the last thing she had said instead. "You thought the office above a strip club was quiet? What the hell have you been through?" 

As soon as the question was out, Vanessa slapped her hand over her mouth before apologizing. "I am so sorry, that is none of my business. If you ever want to talk, I am all for it but, I shouldn't have asked like that." 

To her surprise, the young woman before her doubled over in the most wonderful sound that she had heard. The full belly laugh made even Vanessa smile while looking at Raven confused. "What did I say that was so funny?"

As Raven wiped her eyes and attempted to stop laughing, she smiled at the confusion on Vanessa's face. "Nothing really. You just remind me of a few people from my past. I have missed them but I am afraid that they won't be able to accept all of the flaws I now carry. I was always flawed but now? Now I don't recognize who I used to be. Could you go back to a life where nothing fit like it once did? I don't even know if any part of that life was real. I was a weapon to everyone I ever met. I don't want to be a weapon anymore. I want to live my life in peace and not have to worry about who needs to be shown the right way today. I want to be like everyone else."

Vanessa had to take a moment and think about how to react. As soon as she was reminded of her past with Wade, she knew that was her best bet as far as delving into what was going on with Raven. "Most people wish to be heroes. It sounds like you have that option and have chosen not to utilize it, why?"

Raven looked at the woman before her with a new suspicion in her eyes. "Then you didn't hear me. I thought I was a hero but I was always a weapon. I don't want to be anyone's weapon anymore. I want to be myself. I just have to figure out who I am and that's my new journey."

Walk the Line:  An Avengers Soulmate StoryWhere stories live. Discover now