Breeding kink (Aizawa mha)

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!A/N! I well make another book just like this but headcanon version 😋
I might post it when I upload another part for this book

Dom husband Aizawa x housewife fem reader

Owner: cybersano

Words: 1,433

Warning includes: unprotected vaginal sex, breeding kink, use of restraints (his quirk), praise, unrealistic cervix fucking, womb fucking, clit play, multiple creampies, multiple orgasms, dacryphilia, tummy bulge, cumflation

Story starts now ⬇⬇⬇

a scruffy voice laced with small traces of honey proposed an idea to you. aizawa wanted desperately to knock up his dear housewife, even going as far as to track your ovulation. his desire to impregnate you was let loose on the night you figured you'd flash him a new pair of lace panties. your husband's muscular arms carrying you bridal style into your shared bedroom, he places a nibble on your neck in preparation for what's to come. aizawa desires, no. plans to turn you into a fucked out, babbling mess. in order to be a good slave for his cock, aizawa ordered you to bend over the edge of your bed. "such a good girl," he'd coo, knowing full well that you initially gave off such an innocent demeanor. and aizawa himself was fairly decent at reading people. he had no intentions of taking things further with you, that was, unless he was presented with such a treat. with your legs hopelessly strung in the air, aizawa activates his quirk. your hands, now tied behind your back, are pinned at the wrist from your husband's strong hands.

"don't try and struggle, my dear wife." your husband speaks in a gravelly tone. the clink-clanking of a belt buckle rings im your ears, and you turn your head to see aizawa begin to give his cock a few pumps. the way his fingers wrap so diligentely around his shaft... pausing at the tip and meddling with his foreskin. he groans once the tip makes contact with your wet, sopping hole. he taps the fat head of his cock upon your entrance, knowing full well he wouldn't be denied. "a-agh! fuck." aizawa settles inside of you, his huge cock barely situated fully. he attempts to lodge his cock further while tightening your restrains, the urge in his veins tempered with lust. he releases his grasp on your wrists, giving you some breathing room. that is, until the palms of his hands meet your shoulders, and he's absolutely drilling into you. your pussy's unable to digest the feeling of such velocities, aizawa's strong hips stuttering with each forceful pound. beads of sweat forming at his forehead, he stares upon you with those signature droopy eyes. giving a smack to your ass, aizawa withdraws.

"you don't know how to beg properly, do you? well, you're in luck, as i'm a teacher." your neck soon met the force of aizawa's restrains, the tapelike-structure marketing around your neck harshly. "you wanna be pregnant, don't you? my dear. you're going to have to bend over and take it." your neck in upheaval, aizawa thrusts his cock inside of you, this time with no intention of leaving anytime soon. his hands fall on the globes of your ass, nails clawing crescents into your precious skin. all you can do is let your head fall back, succumbing to the pleasure. aizawa quickly jerks your head to the side, ordering you to meet his gaze. the man's eyes are filled with a new breed of arousal, his cock stiffening inside of even more so. the reddened tip penetrates your cervix, breaking through to your unscathed womb up until now. your poor, weak body can't take much more of aizawa's harsh treatment. but, to be a good slut for him, you knew what you needed to do.

soon, you found a way to work yourself back on him, meeting the rhythm of his thrusts and each jolt of his hips. a translucent ring of cream forms around his shaft, which is the only thing left to fuck into you at the end of the day. "g-ah, baby. you're doin' so well, takin' my big cock." aizawa's eyes peel back, hissing in pleasure as he continues to plow into your sweet cunt, womb entirely exposed to the man. you complain. not only that it hurts, but it's too intense. feeling his shaft spear your cervix repeatedly was just too... "i'm cummin', my dear wife. please, clench down on me, won't you?" he orders, and you simply obey. aizawa lets out a loud groan as his fingers aim to rub at your clit. his attempts to hold back his orgasm are faulted at the unreliable, sporadic clenches of your pussy. you're so close yourself that with aizawa's fingers on your aching bud, you came immediately. feeling your cunt contract all the way up to his base, aizawa pistoned himself as deep as he possibly could.

"p-promise, i'll knock you up, babygirl. my balls are so heavy and full for you..." your tongue lolled out to the side, you're unable to comprehend aizawa's menacing speed even after he'd orgasmed. "i'm g-gonna cum... again. and again..." aizawa chanted, your name slipping off his lips in small doses. and the man known as eraserhead doesn't lie. his balls tighten as he powers through the previous orgasm, his shaft coated in your slick cream by now. he's loosened his grip on your throat, luckily, but the motions of his hips seem never to slow. you can feel it in your stomach... each thrust was complimented with either a growl from aizawa or a shrill from your own lips. he knew how deeply he was fucking you. he was an experienced man, though he'd never entirely breached your cervix in the past. the feeling in his lower abdomen began to build up, aizawa's incoming orgasm about to burst. "why are you crying, my dear? it feels good, no?" he stalls, easily able to hold himself back once he notices the salty droplets. he can't help but get off on the sight, his perfect housewife being fucked dumb on his cock. most likely on her journey to motherhood already due to all of aizawa's cum from the first load.

aizawa thrusted a bit more sensually this time, adjusting his hips in order to hit your sweet spot perfectly. your eyes are bombarded with tears, both from the delicious pleasure and the agonizing pain. though, you couldn't reject the fact that you enjoyed being aizawa's little fuckdoll. his bitch to fill up. his set of holes to let off some steam on. "i'm going to go a little easier on you and let you off the hook. but, for next time. i won't hesitate to restrain you if i sense disobendience." you thank your husband, who swells with pride. aizawa ordered you to lie on your back as he took you in missionary. he could easily slip back inside of your warm cunt as quick as he withdrew. as your legs coddled around his waist, you feel aizawa's hips start to move, tentatively and with precision. "look at me," his darkened orbs stare directly into yours. he couldn't hold back much longer, especially with that tiny bulge appearing in your tummy. aizawa locked lips with you, and as your tongues fought, aizawa felt himself tire. his kisses turned sloppy and uncoordinated. it was messy, passionate lovemaking. "gonna fill you up, you bitch in heat!" aizawa growls, increasing his own stamina.

with a few more harsh jolts of his hips, your dear husband spurts inside of you. the amount of cum he ejects is nothing like before, and it poisons your blood with lust. it's thick and warm consistency becomes heaven to the two of you, who are still miraculously grinding your bodies against each other in a state of deprived hunger. aizawa's cum slips past your thighs and trickles down to his drained balls. as your husband rides out the remnants of his orgasm, he lets out a lowly sigh. you inquire if he's alright, and it's when you notice that he's immediately fallen asleep on top of you. snoring, and all. still inside of you. half hard. your tummy bulge had started to die down as you began to exert more pressure on your stomach, pushing aizawa's thick ropes of cum out in hopes that he'd wake up. but, he didn't anytime soon. although, while in the midst of napping with him after sex, you could detect slight spasms of his once again hardening cock. ready to go for a third round the moment he opened his eyes.

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