"And I accept your flaws, alright?" Diego grunted

The elevator opened, they all tried to carry the carpet. When they spotted a hotel worker. They acted normal. Diego told the man they were playing a game. They got in the elevator, Stan pressed the button. Suddenly they heard gasping and started screaming.

"You told us he was dead, puta!" Stan yelled

"He was, and now you speak Spanish?!" Diego exclaimed

Klaus fell, Valerie jumped back, Diego caught Klaus.

"Let's just turn the volume down a smidge, shall we? Celestial comedown is a bitch" Klaus said

Diego threw Klaus, causing him to fall down.

"You scared the shit out of me Klaus, i thought you were dead" Diego said

"Yeah, me too" Klaus replied

Suddenly he began to laugh and cry. The elevator came to a stop. Klaus was walking normally acting as if nothing had happened.

"Do you think the others will react in a good way that I'm here?" Valerie whispered

Stan nodded at her. Klaus showed his injury at Diego, it was now healing.

"What would happen if we cut off your head? Would it grow two of you?" Stan asked

"Stan. Would it?" Diego asked

Klaus continued to walk, Valerie tried to remain unnoticed.

"What did we miss?" Diego asked

A woman with blonde hair was there too.

"The universe is ending and we're all going to die" She replied

"What?" Valerie spoke up

"What is she doing here?" Five asked

Valerie locked eyes with the boy.

"I want to help, I may be the enemy but I want to leave and be one of you" Valerie said

They all looked at her, she stood proud and tall.

"I just want to leave that prison and it's kind of my first time in a hotel" She awkwardly smiled

Valerie sat down with them, they started interrogating her a bit. She feared Allison but not everyone else. Suddenly they felt a force.

"What the hell was that?" Diego asked

"That was a kugel wave. Oh, it's getting worse" Five answered

"How long do we have?" Luther asked

"At this rate of escalation if you factor-" Five spoke

"How long, Five!" Luther exclaimed

"Four, maybe five days before the rest of existence is blitzed" Five answered

Everyone was in shock, Valerie was sure she wanted to stay with them for the last of her days. She took the sketchbook she found and decided to fill in the pages.

𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐚𝐭 𝐅𝐢𝐫𝐬𝐭 𝐒𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 Where stories live. Discover now