No. 3: Second Chance

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Putting her headphones in and drifted off to sleep. The next day, she was looking out her window and spotted Ben along with Fei standing in front of the woman and what looked like the person from before. 

Valerie grabbed a cloth and covered the painting she made with it. Sloane suddenly burst through the door making Valerie jump.

"I'm sorry I mean to scare you" Sloane apologized

"Oh, it's just you" Valerie exhaled

Sloane sat down at the girl's desk.

"What's under the black thing?" Sloane asked

"A painting i made that no one can see" Valerie answered

Sloane knew she wasn't going to get anywhere with Valerie's stubborn self especially knowing how she isolated herself.

"So what do you do the entire time you're here? You never socialize with any of us" Sloane spoke

Valerie turned to her and thought for a response

"I don't because you all made it that way, ever since that day none of you, looked at me the same way you did before. You suddenly all created some sort of barrier that I can't cross and still can't" Valerie answered

"We're only doing it to protect you" Sloane defended

"So your way of protecting me is by ignoring me? Insulting me? Locking me in my own room? You guys go on thousands of missions! To save the world! I haven't been in one ever since that day" Valerie argued

"Get her to the infirmary!"

"She's loosing blood, quick!"


"That day, we feared for the worst, at least I know I did. But hey, maybe one day they'll let you join us in a mission again" Sloane smiled

"I doubt it" Valerie replied

Sloane got up and walked towards the door, Valerie was reorganizing her colored pencils when she felt a force lifting her up, she was now upside down. Her gaze quickly went to Sloane when she saw Sloane lift up the cloth and getting a glimpse of the painting. Sloane lowered the girl and smiled then quickly left.

A few moments went by, Sloane walked in once more into the room. She threw Valerie her old suit.

"Put it on, we're leaving soon" Sloane indicated

"What do you mean leaving soon?" Valerie questioned

Fei opened the door too.

"You're going with us, ask one more question and you'll stay here" Fei said

Valerie nodded, they left her room. Valerie began to get ready, she looked at herself in the mirror and felt proud to be part of something again. They all were walking down the street and walking into a hotel. Hotel Obsidian, they all formed a line, Valerie was informed that Marcus had gone missing, taken by the Umbrella Academy.

People were taking countless photos of the academy, the Umbrella Academy were lined up in front of them, at least four of them were.

"Well thanks for coming" The person with short hair spoke

"Oh yeah, super glad to be here" Jayme sarcastically said

"Where are the rest of you?" Ben asked

"What are you taking attendance? They'll be here" The knife man said

"Where's the briefcase?" The woman asked

"Where's our brother?" Ben asked

"Maybe we should try this again before I lose my temper" The woman said

"Allison-" The person said

"I got this, hand over the briefcase or no deal" Allison said

"Yeah, tiny problem. Deal's off" Ben announced

Suddenly they spotted a boy running with fire in his hands.

"Molotov this, bitches!" He exclaimed

"Stanely! Not now" The knife man said

Stanely dropped whatever he was holding causing a tapestry to catch on fire, along with the fire alarm going off. Guests at the hotel screamed and panicked, running away as fast as they could.

"Power up" Ben ordered

They all did as told, the knife man took Stanley to hide.

"Now Chris" Ben signaled

Christopher was sending signal waves hurting the Umbrella Academy.

"I heard.. i heard a rumor" Allison attempted

"That you're about to die?" Ben smirked

"Kill 'em" Ben ordered

Valerie didn't like this anymore, she wished she had stayed home. She had no choice but to do as told in order to be able to go outside. Suddenly, they heard yelling and were knocked back, Luther pulled Sloane down. Valerie fell back, she looked up and was horrified at the sight.

"Jayme! Alphonso!" Fei cried

Jayme and Alphonso were now dead, on the floor. Valerie felt herself tear up and sat on the floor.

"Pull back!" Ben yelled

Valerie didn't leave, she ran to her now dead adoptive siblings and let tears fall out of her hazel eyes. She stood up once again to face the Umbrella Academy.

"Oh my god" The person said

They all turned their attention to a man standing there.

"Harlan, is that you?" They asked

Valerie realized she had two options; escape and live her life or vengeance her adoptive siblings' deaths.

𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐚𝐭 𝐅𝐢𝐫𝐬𝐭 𝐒𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat