Enhypen as your boyfriend

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When you want a kiss but you're too short, also, I don't know about you but if you listen to the music above I feel like it sets the mood and like, we love studio ghibli up in this bitch <3

Heeseung: I feel like he'd be doing something, like cooking ramen, or cleaning and then you'd just randomly want a kiss, so you walk up behind him and tap him on the shoulder, he turns around and once he sees you he instantly smiles.

-You'd try to jump and kiss him but you were still to short, however he got what you wanted and he bent down just so you could kiss him.

-After that he'd give you a hug or kiss your forehead and ask if you wanted to do something with him like go on a walk or watch a movie.

Jay: I feel as if this man would be cooking and you want a kiss so you just go up to him and ask.

"Jay-ah, I want something from you."

"Awe, what does my princess want?"

-Then you'd try and stand up on your tippy toes and kiss him but you're still too short, and he'd catch on so when you were just standing again he'd lift your chin and kiss you. Instant butterflies. After he'd give you another peck and ask you if you'd like to cook with him... obviously a yes, cause who wouldn't want to cook with the one and only Park JongSeong, duh.

Jake: He'd be playing with Layla or doing something like doing the dishes when all of the sudden... you realize you just really wanted a kiss from your Jakey, so you get up and go find him. Once you do you try and get in front of him and since Jakey knows you, he knows you want a kiss but of course... he's in a joking mood so he pretends that you aren't there. When you try and kiss him he'd dodge them and wouldn't kiss you back until you asked.

"Jakeu... give your beautiful partner a kiss, pleaseeeeee." You'd whine.

-He'd first kiss you very slow and passionately, like the cutie he is, you'd feel him smile while he'd be kissing you. After you break apart he'd give you a bunch of little pecks all over your face, causing the both of you to giggle and then give you another long kiss on your lips.

"That's what I thought" You said sassily, and lil sweetheart Jakeu would just laugh.

Sunghoon: He'd probably just be watching his own fan cams tbh and when he sees you approaching, he knows you want a kiss but y'know he's going to tease you, so the man stands up.

"Hey! Sit back down Mr." You say.

"Why should I?" He'd respond with a big smirk.

"Because I want a kiss."

"Do you think you deserve to kiss this handsome of a guy? I'm Park SungHoon, I'm a big deal."

"Aish, nevermind." You'd walk away whilst responding.

-He'd want a kiss so he'd run after you and hug you from behind and start showering your shoulder, neck, and cheeks before he spins you around and passionately kisses you, leaving you shooketh, but like... same. 

-Y/N. jpg stopped functioning.

Sunoo: Let's be honest, this man loves loves LOVES kisses, especially yours, so as soon as he see you approaching him, man pulls out his chapstick and applies it and then runs to you, twirls you, and then covers your face in sweet lil kisses before placing at least 10 lil pecks and 1 long sweet kiss on your lips.

"I love you my sweet lil squishy Y/Nie!" He'd say afterwards.

-Y/N. jpg stopped functioning pt.2.

-I want a Sunoo :(

-No worries about him being too tall, he's a smol bean :(

Jungwon: Now I feel like Jungwon isn't the biggest fan of kisses but once in a while he won't mind giving his precious lil partner a passionate kiss, and today wasn't one of those days. As soon as he heard you call his name he knew what you wanted and sent you a text that said "no" like the savage sheep he is.

-Once you saw this you got upset and thought he was mad at you and naturally you cried. After 20 minutes or so he was a lil confused leader-nim so he got up and went to find you, and to his utter surprise... you were upset, so he went to you and asked what was wrong...

"I just wanted a kiss and I feel like you're mad at me, I don't want you to be mad at me but I really needed that kiss." You'd pout

-Y'know lil yang garden would feel bad and kiss you, maybe more than once just to see you smile :)

Ni-ki: This kid is at least 6'1 at this point and he's still growing, so you best believe you are way too short to kiss this man on the lips without him bending over or you standing on a step stool stacked on top of another step stool. I cannot see this man adoring kisses either unless he was in a clingy mood or super happy, but you on the other hand, well your really clingy and adore your boyfriends kisses, but tend to hide it so you don't seem annoying, but today you weren't having it and were going to do anything in your power to get kisses from lil nishi. The only problem was he was in the middle of a game and he didn't like it when you'd interrupt because you'd "distract" him and he'd lose. Alas, you didn't care today.


"Your going to make me lose."

"Good, Nishiiiiii"

"What would you like?"

"Affection please, I just really need it today, y'know?"

-Suddenly lil dance machine was worried hence he shut off his games and immediately got up to hug you, but once you try and kiss him dude would back his head away, and that's when warm squishy lil Y/N got upset, so he'd lift your chin and give you a sweet kiss, you'd turn and needless to say nishi would be shy too and ask if you'd want to watch a movie from his home country with him, probs a studio ghibli movie because studio ghibli>>>>>


Author's note:

sorry it took so long to write another chapter, it kinda gets off track but it took me an hour and now it's 12, also I got distracted by the #studio ghibli on instagram so.... also listening to the soundtracks so it's all good, but I hope you enjoy it:)

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