Enhypen as your boyfriend

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Enhypen waking you up, thanks for the suggestion j4ysfreckles

Heeseung: This man would definitely be the one to give you a few kisses and just play with your hair until you wake up. Like he'd just stare at all of your features and once you open your eyes he'd just say "Good morning my gorgeous princess."

Jay: Jay would just lay there beside you caressing your cheek with his thumb and once you wake up he'd kiss your forehead and ask you how you slept with like a super gentle and soft tone. "Morning love! How'd you slept hun?"

Jake: He'd definitely come in your room with layla and she'd wake you up with her kisses. Like as soon as layla sees you she gets super excited. Once you wake up layla cuddles you and you can just see a huge smile plastered on Jake's face. "Good morning angel! Layla wanted to help."

Sunghoon: I feel like he wouldn't want to wake you up, he would just lay beside you and gaze at all of your features and admire them, but then realize that he needs to get you up so he'd lightly shake you and once your awake he'd kiss you and smile. "Good morning beautiful, i hope you had an amazing sleep!"

Sunoo: He'd yell at you to wake up and if you didn't he'd give you sass, like this is literally him. Maybe if he knew you had a rough night he'd give you a kiss and let you sleep in but otherwise you better expect full on sass from this sunshine. "C'mon Sunshine, wake up!"

Jungwon: I feel like he'd just kinda shake you a bit and once you wake up he'd just say good morning and walk away, like nothing special, he'd probably also yell i love you from the other room. "Good morning my precious, i love you!"

Ni-ki: Lol you thought he'd wake you up? no, he would not. this man hates waking up so he just wouldn't, i feel like you'd wake up before him or at the same time. Like you'd wake up at the same time, he'd kiss you and smile admiring how pretty you look when you wake up. "Woah, my girlfriend is looking extra cute right now!"

Hey y'all, i hope you liked this chapter, please let me know how you think the members would wake you up and give me any suggestions you may have!

Enhypen imagines :)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt