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Thank you so much for choosing to read my story! This is still a work in progress so I will continue editing as I go along with this series, please feel free to leave any constructive criticism. 

       My name is Adelaide Greenhill and I used to live in Zuzu City working for Joja Mart Corporations. I was in charge of writing finance reports, budget summaries, and pretty much any tasks that had to do with writing papers. I lived in the city with my parents all my life as they pushed me to become a successful, career-oriented adult such as them. Every summer, I would be sent off to Stardew Valley, Pelican Town where I would stay with my grandfather on his farm, Iridius Farms. My social anxiety kept me from ever going into the town and meeting the townspeople, so my days would consist of helping my grandfather with the farm work. Those 2 ½ months on the farm were the best times of my life and I held them close to my heart.

       When I started high school my parents signed me up for numerous internships and community hour opportunities so I had to stop going to my grandpa's for the summer. I would write to him every other week until there was no time to think about those good old summer days. My entire high school career, from the moment I showed up for freshman orientation to the moment I walked across the stage with my diploma, I was becoming well-known in the Joja Mart industry as jobs were being promised to me left and right due to the close ties my parents had to the company.
      When I graduated I left home and moved a few hours away to work at my promised job in finance for Joja Mart. I was excited that after all the hard work I was finally achieving my dream and making my parents proud. I showed up on my first day of work, entered my designated cubicle, and started typing. Little did I know that that day would be the beginning of my mental downfall and hate for my career.
       Life as a Joja Mart Corporation employee was not what I was told it would be. Hardly anyone talks to each other or leaves their cubicles unless it's to get coffee, rush to the least occupied printer, or turn in work to higher-ups. We're expected to churn out complete reports and graphs like robots, no mistakes tolerated. Last week a girl got demoted to filing services due to having several grammar mistakes in just one meeting log she was in charge of typing. My breaks consist of brewing another cup or two of coffee, ordering some lunch, or proofreading any completed reports of mine. The work environment is run by high-stress levels and fast-paced typing, you gotta keep up to mean anything to the higher-ups. But hey, it's what keeps the good name of Joja Mart looking good!
        I've been working at Joja Mart for about 4 years now and I'm still in the same position I was in my first year working here. It gets discouraging seeing my male counterparts and coworkers get promoted but it's better than the fate of those who have been demoted or even worse; terminated. One thing I can't complain about is the pay, I'm able to meet my bills and have a little something left for groceries. I live in a loft in midtown, Zuzu City with all kinds of shops and restaurants around me.

         It's quite a lavish neighborhood but with the workload I have, I don't get a chance to go out and enjoy the world around me. Heck, even without the workload I wouldn't see myself going to most of these places aside from the dainty, quiet cafes that are around the corners or hidden by the powerful, loud neighboring hang-out spots. Back when I first moved in and away from my parents I signed up for monthly therapy sessions. I thought it would help but if anything it's been making my mental worse. Not because of my therapist or anything, she's a very cool and caring person who's good at what she does. I think it's the fact of what my reality is that brings me down every time I log onto my zoom session.
            I've been staying in my room most of the time I'm home, unable to get up and out of bed. These days have been harder than others, caring for my appearance seems almost impossible. I catch myself spacing off as I think of my childhood, the bad, and the good parts. I shake out of it and get back to work with a smile on my face as I reminisce on the times with my grandpa. I got back into sending letters to my grandpa and plan to show up at the farm to surprise him on my next days off. He's told me how he's been sick so he hasn't been able to keep up with the land like he used to so I figured I'd pop in to help.

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