chapter seven: the bite (p2)

Comenzar desde el principio

"You see that too?" He asked me and I smiled.

"Oh my gosh," I gasped, "It's beautiful." The sight was a bunch of twinkling lights. Steve just continued to stare at me and eventually called Robin over to look at the ceiling.

"Woah," Robin laughed.

"Yeah, woah," Steve turned his attention back to the lights. We all started to spin around, changing the direction of the lights but suddenly all felt dizzy and sick. We all made a sprint to the bathrooms where I was in the third stall, furthest away from Robin who was in the first but closer to Steve who was in between our stalls. We all flushed our toilets at similar times and I slid under my stall to sit with Steve. He held his arms open for me and I cuddled into him.

"The ceiling stopped spinning for me," Robin said, cancelling the silence, "Is it still spinning for you guys?"

"Nope," I responded, popping the 'P.'

"Holy shit," Steve paused, "No. You think we puked it all up?"

"Maybe," Robin said, "Ask me something. Interrogate me."

"Okay. Interrogate you. Sure," Steve stopped to think, "When was the last time you peed your pants?" I yawned and put my head on his shoulder.

"Today," Robin answered, "What about you Y/n/n?"

"Like five minutes ago," I counted in my head, "Wait, no, maybe four." Robin and Steve started laughing.

"Oh yeah Mr. Wise Guy? When was the last time you peed your pants, Steve?" I asked him.

He bit his lip, "Mm, like, in second grade."

"Liar!" Robin shouted.

"Okay, it was actually like half an hour ago."

"When we were watching the movie?" I asked with a laugh.

"Yes," He nodded. Robin and I burst into a fit of laughter and Steve playfully shoved one of my arms away.

"Okay, my turn," Robin paused, "Have you guys ever been in love?"

Steve looked at me and smiled, "Yup. This lovely lady next to me who I absolutely adore. And I am being truthful and honest."

I smiled back at him, "Same here. I am an absolute treasure." We all laughed at that. "I'm just joking, I am also in love with the person next to me."

"Y'know Hargrove, I always thought you were a priss," Robin confessed.

"Really? Why?" I asked dumbfounded.

"Because your hair is always perfect, you are always perfect, you were charmed by Steve who was also perfect, and you are just insanely gorgeous," Robin paused, "Really, I thought that you were a total bitch. But now I know to not judge a book by its cover because you are very cool."

"That's very charming and you are very much boosting my ego more than I needed you to. Now to turn the question around, have you ever been in love?" I asked her. Silence. Steve and I looked at each other worriedly, was she okay? Did she pass out?

"Robin?" Steve called out her name as he banged on the stall.

"Robin, did you just OD in there?" I asked her.

"No," She said in what sounded like a whisper, "I... am still alive." I was worried for the girl, who was one of my best friends, so I simply got out of Steve's arms and slid under the stall, with Steve following right after. We were seated with Steve first, closest to the door, then Robin, then me next to the toilet.

"The floor's disgusting," Robin pointed out.

"Yeah, well, we already have a bunch of blood and puke on our shirts, so..." Steve trailed off.

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