Chapter 10

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- All afternoon Miles had sat and asked the hedgehog about his adventures. And when he had left the cells that day (with plate and glass in hand) he felt something different. His attitude towards Sonic had changed. He still considered him an enemy to their plans, but now he held some sort of admiration for him.
- He found himself conflicted by his feelings. Miles walked into the kitchen to find Robotnik standing there, his hands on his hips, and his foot taping impatiently.
- "Where have you been?" The doctor asked sternly.
- "Down in the cells with Sonic. Asking him questions and I gave him some food and water." Miles replied, acting collective and uninterested, placing the plate and glass in the sink.
- "Miles, I want you to stop going down there." Robotnik ordered. The fox looked at him confused.
- "Why?"
- "You're showing sympathy to our enemy! The one who's foiling our plans! That and he could be poisoning your mind!" The doctor argued.
- "I wasn't showing him sympathy, I was feeding him and making sure he didn't die of starvation or dehydration. Can't use a dead hedgehog for our plans if we need him." Miles countered, feeling a sense of pride at his argument.
- The doctor sighed and rubbed his temples. "Ok fine, you make a point but he could still be trying to poison your mind. You have to remember what our goal is!"
- "I do, I do! Really! It doesn't hurt to learn about your enemies though. And besides you trained me to be mentally tough against that type of stuff." Miles pointed out, leaning against the counter.
- "I know, I'm just worried. I don't want you getting wrapped up with him." Robotnik nearly spat out the last word.
- It made Miles feel happy that the doctor cared that much about him. "Don't worry, I can handle myself."
- "Yes, I'm sure you can."
- "Any new updates from Team Sonic?"
- "No, they're are being relatively quiet this past few days. Must be planning something." Robotnik pondered.
- "Most likely. We should probably put the base of high alert." Miles stated.
- "Yes yes, I already had it planned. Now how is that machine of your going?"
- "Half way done!"
- "Excellent! I should be getting back to my own projects. Work hard Miles!" Robotnik bided faraway, leaving the fox alone.
- As he walked back to his lab, he did a rerun on the conversation. There was no way he was getting "poisoned" by Sonic no matter what he or the doctor claimed. If he'd had been truly knocked off his belief system, he still wouldn't be building the machine. He wouldn't be trusting the doctor.
- Then a sudden thought hit him. It was quick but it left in impression. Was Robotnik not trusting him? If he was, why had he been stern and cautious about him visiting the hedgehog? Surely it was just because he was worried for the fox. Yes that had to be it.
- But Miles knew deep down that something was off. He just either didn't care enough to explore it or didn't want to. The fox sighed and walked back to his lab to work on the machine. But while he did, his thoughts wandered.
- He started thinking about the adventures Sonic had told him. And against his better judgement, they genuinely sounded almost fun. And the stories he had told about Amy the hedgehog and Knuckles the echidna were kinda funny. They were all people who could do extraordinary things. And they sounded like relatively nice people.
- Maybe in another life they were friends. But Miles knew they wouldn't want to be friends with him after what he'd done or what he was going to do. And for once in his life while working for Robotnik, he felt regret.
- He pushed it down and continued to work on the machine. It was irrelevant to think these things, especially since they had been enemies for so long. Maybe Robotnik was right, maybe Sonic was "poisoning" his mind. Miles would have to be careful.
- He looked up at the machine that was partially hidden by a large cloth and smiled. This was going to be his greatest invention yet. He still felt bad about it though. And he wished those feelings would disappear.


- Robotnik did not like how long Miles had spent with Sonic that afternoon. He knew that the fox hadn't gone down there just to question him. If that had been the case, he should've been in and out.
- But he hadn't been, so that was the first red flag. Maybe the Doctor had to have a little chat with the hedgehog. He could possibly move him to a different cell and put a hologram in the current cell. Play it off like Sonic truly was the villain. Though he couldn't underestimate the fox. He was smart and could possibly see right through that.
- He'd have to be crafty to make sure Miles didn't notice and to make sure he didn't lose more of his trust. "Orbot, Cubot, go to my lab and grab my hologram projector and my hologram programmer. And if either of you break anything in there I will dismantle you both." He warned. Both robots scampered off.
- Robotnik paced around, thinking of ways to make the hologram about as realistic as he could. A bit later both robots returned with the hologram and a small tablet. "Here you go boss!" Orbot offered both nervously. The doctor carefully took the items, an evil smile forming on his face.
- "Watch and make sure Miles doesn't come down here. If he tries to go to the cells tell him that I'm trying to interrogate Sonic again." He ordered, already walking away.
- As Robotnik walked he thought of what he could make the hologram say. It needed to hit Miles in the core, make sure no matter what was said, it couldn't be taken back.
- And Robotnik had the perfect thing in mind.

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