The Dawnbreaker

51 2 0

Earth -32
Gotham City

That night...



How did I feel in that moment, when my whole world was changed?

"We're done here, kid," that man said pointing the smoking gun at me. "Get down on your knees, close your eyes and you ain't gonna get hurt."

When I stood there helpless as my mom and dad's blood was running into the gutter? I felt nothing. Like the sky and the ground broke apart and all that was left was a void as big as everything. And that void was inside me. I didn't feel anything. Not even fear. And without any of that pushing me down to kneel near mom and dad, I stood up and ran after him. The man with the gun. Then it came to me.

"Bruce Wayne," green flowing light in front of me spoke and presented the ring to me.

"You have the ability to overcome fear. Welcome to the Green Lantern Corps."

I didn't overcome fear. It was obliterated from me. And I didn't give a thought to the word "Corps" or even what the Hell it was talking to me. All I cared about was him. After I took the ring, it took me to him, to the man with the gun, digging through dad's wallet.

"YOU BASTARD!" I yelled when I confronted the man with the gun.

"What the-" the man with the gun said startled as he saw and threw dad's wallet away.

"T-take the money!"

"I'm not helpless now!" I yelled pointing the ring at him.


"ERROR!" the ring protested. "First Law of the Green Lantern Corps: Lethal Force not permitted!"

"I d-don't care!"

I didn't feel fear or doubt.


"Willpower at 100%." the ring begun to comply.
"Willpower at 117%."

I just felt the void inside me.

"HE DESERVES TO DIE!" I yelled as the ring's energies materialized as the void inside me.



And I released the void, letting it out on the man with the gun. I had the most powerful weapon in the universe on my finger as the man with the gun got to learn the last thing he ever learned. But I would have given it up to have my mom and dad.

"R-ring..." I asked as I returned to them,
"Bring my mom and dad back."


"Bbbbbbruwwwwuce.."the ring made dad and mom's remains speak. " We l00000ve youuuu..."


I would have traded everything, so I didn't feel so helpless. So alone.

Final night...

They called me a hero at first, but that title didn't last for long. I killed without remorse or boundaries. Why would my enemies deserve to live when my parents didn't? Why!? The Ring worked by my willpower. And I'm willful to an extreme. But the void was inside me, too. I cracked open the Ring. Pushed it past the light. I let the Darkness inside
me escape. And in the Darkness... I wasn't alone anymore.

"Green Lantern," the police commissioner greeted me as I arrived to the roof of Gotham Police Department. "I wasn't sure you'd show up."

"Gordon," I told him. "I advise you to remain polite with me. The last cop who threatened me regretted it."

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