The Red Death

105 5 0

Earth -52
Central City

"It's getting worse Central City is falling apart
we shouldn't be fighting!" Flash said as he runs.
Flash is running when a lightning strike lands near

A large burst of fire comes down landing on the
other side of Barry!! Ice shards fire hitting Barry's leg! He falls and looks around frantically!

"Augh! This is bigger than both of us we have
to do something before it's too late!" Flash said.

He turns to see Batman with each of Flash's
Rouge's tools, The cold gun, The weather wizard
wand, The heat gun, and the mirror gun all at his

"As usual your late Flash it time for someone else to use the Speed Force." Batman said.

"Batman I told you I won't give you the Speed
Force I've lost people I love too!" Flash said.

Batman raises the "cold glasses"

Batman: Then you should understand more than
anyone, if you're not gonna help me I'll make you!"

Flash charges up his Speed Force.

"You know what I've done! the mistakes I've
made with these powers in the past! It's impossible
to be everywhere at once!" Flash said.

"Unlike you I tried to be and it cost me, my
family." Batman said.

[Flashback to Batman in a graveyard]

Flash runs up to Batman but he leaps out of the
way going through a mirror with the mirror master
gun to dodge him!

"Why do you think you'll succeed with the Rouge's weapons when they couldn't Batman!" Flash said.

The Batmobile comes crashing through the wall.

"You're right my toys are better! It didn't have to come to this Flash I asked for your help and you rejected me! If our roles had been reversed I would have done everything in my power to help
you!" Batman said.

Metallic Batarangs come flying out of the
Batmobile and Flash dodges!

"I said no because your plans for the speed
force are dark path to run I could see you hurting
and desperate." Flash said.

Bullets begin shooting out of the Batmobile, the
Flash dodges them as well running from the Batmoblie in pursuit!

After my parents were murdered I traveled the world to learn everything about science, martial arts, and the supernatural to become Batman!...but it wasn't enough not for Jason, Tim, Dick, and Damian... Gotham did what it always does it takes!, and it takes!!, and it takes!!!, I need to find a way to stay one step ahead!" Batman said.

Batman and Flash both stop, Batman jumps out of
Batmobile throwing a gas grenade at the ground!

"And with each day I feel myself getting older and slower, I need the Speed Force Flash!" Batman said.

Flash tosses a lightning bolt into the gas striking
Batman, Flash approaches the defeated Bat.

"I'm sorry for what happened to your family, I
am but it won't end there we have to figure out how
to save them...together." Flash said.

"You're're a good friend Barry...I could always count on you and your......Compassion." Batman said.

"Compassion...I lost that a long time
ago...." Batman said. Batman quickly turns to Flash and freezes his leg, he gets up and knocks him out with one punch!

"Ugh..Where am I?" Man in a red suit said as he reached consciousness with the wind blowing at his face and the sound of engine roaring. Then he saw where he was, chained to the front of a car that belonged to man he had once called his friend. "Oh. my.... GOD! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!"

"I studied your designs for the cosmic treadmill and
repurposed its engine to let me harness your connection to the Speed Force!" he heard his friend speak behind him and turning his head, he saw his friend driving the car at accelerating speed. "I will race into the Speed Force and steal it from you!"

"Bruce..." he tried to reach out, "don't...?"

"The mistake I made when I vowed to my parents that I would save Gotham is that I was thinking small," Bruce told him and pushed the gas pedal to make the modified Batmobile run faster. "I should have promised to save the world!"

"You can't access the Speed Force this way! You can't force it!" he plead as multiple lighting begun to spark in front of the Batmobile. "IT WILL RIP US BOTH APART!"

"I know," Bruce said raising to stand in the Batmobile as the lightning storm begun to swallow them.


"I'm sorry, Barry."


"But now we can both save the world..



"You can't give up like this, Bruce.... Th-there's hope....There is. always..


Scarecrow. Riddler. Penguin. Manbat. Before he used to spend so much time alone on rooftops dwelling on his actions. But now he didn't have time to think twice with the Speed Force. It had released him, and he had saved Gotham. Now he would save his world. Finally, he had all the time he ever needed.



"Wayne Tower... is falling?!" Red Death said looking at what was happening to his building.

"What is happening? The sky..

The sky was red with white lightnings striking everywhere that was being destroyed and there were other Earths formed as links in a chain there, lined up behind his Earth like they were waiting for their turn for something.

"The world is breaking apart. I'm not fast enough to save it, "Red Death said looking at the destruction of his world.

"There is a part of me.. something deep inside me that still gives me hope that I can save this world.

"Hmh, even if it means the destruction of another?" a voice behind him spoke.


Red Death shook his head and forced the ghost inside him back to it's place before turning around to see who had spoken to him. He looked like the Joker, but the voice didn't belong to him.

"Who.. what are you?' Red Death asked trying to
understand who he was facing.

"Someone very much like you," the figure speaking in Red Death's own voice "Someone who lost his world simply because it was born down HERE!"

"Down.....?" Red Death said not understanding.

"Our worlds aren't meant to last. They are destined to die. It's a cruel law of nature in this place," the figure said smiling as Red Death felt it. "You can feel it yourself, can't you? Your time is meant to end now. But what if I told you there was a world far, far above us that was destined to live?"

 But what if I told you there was a world far, far above us that was destined to live?"

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"Tell me more, " Red Death asked, and the figure's smile grew to a wide grin.

"My master Barbatos sent me to find a few good heroes to conquer that world to make home for all of us orphaned by the darkness," the Batman Who Laughs said extending his hand to Red Death as a gesture of friendship. "What do you say? Do we got a deal?"

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