"Well I am okay." I grab his hand and hold it in mine. I smile at him and he does the same.

"Could you hear anything while you were out?"

"Not really, why?" 

"Oh, no reason. Just making sure." He says with a nonchalant tone. 

"Come on. Now you have to tell me." I say eagerly. I heard bits and pieces but not nearly enough to know what he was talking about.

He sighs and runs his free hand through his hair before speaking. "I like you, Beanie. I know we've kissed and held hands but we never made anything official. Seeing you with blood pouring out and lying in this hospital bed has made me the most worried I have ever been. I couldn't imagine what would have happened to you if..." I squeeze his hand, reminding him I'm alive and I'm here. "You're the one I want to be with. So, Erin Walker, will you be my girlfriend?"

My stomach fills with butterflies and I want to shout "yes!" but I love keeping him on edge.

"Hmm. I'll have to ask my manager." He rolls his eyes but can't stop himself from smiling. "Of course I'll be your girlfriend. I thought it was obvious." I wrap my hands around his neck and pull him to me. Our kiss is slow but filled with so much passion. 

"Am I interrupting?" Liv asks, that smirk playing on her lips. Blush fills my cheeks as Parsons pulls away, acting casual.

"Not at all. I was just kissing my boyfriend." I say, loving that last word.

Ollie widens his eyes as he enters the room. "It's official? Finally. I've been waiting." We all chuckle at him. Cam follows behind him and they stand beside the bed.

"I didn't know you could fight. You beat the shit out of Lexie." Cam says. I flinch slightly at the curse word but it goes undetected, except for Parsons' watchful eyes. He grabs my hand and rubs his thumb across my skin. 

"She deserved it, though. It's going to take a heck of a lot of makeup to cover those bruises." Liv chimes in.

"I'm just glad to have gotten the bullet out. Now I don't have to wear a beanie all the time." I say.

"Awe, but I liked the beanie on you." Parsons pouts and smile at his actions.

We talk back and forth for a while before we get bored.

"I brought Uno. Wanna play?" Ollie asks and we all gather around the hospital bed.

Elliott walks in, blueberry muffin in hand. "Can I join?"

"Only if that muffin is for me." I joke and he rolls his eyes. He hands me the slightly warm muffin and finds a spot.

I'm surrounded my amazing friends and boyfriend. I may have just gotten a bullet taken out of my head, but I could not ask for a better way to spend my day.

6 months later

"You sure you want to do this?" He asks me as we pull into the cemetery parking lot.

"I need to." He nods and places a kiss on my forehead before letting me get out the car.

I slowly walk between the graves, making sure not to step on one. It's been six months since I've gotten the bullet taken out and I could not feel better. College starts in a couple weeks so I'm making the most out of my summer, with my best friends and boyfriend.

I lower myself to the ground, sitting crisscross in front of the familiar grave.

"Hey, Dad." I place the bouquet of flowers on the headstone, just below my father's name. "It's been a while since I've been here and it probably will be awhile before you hear from me." I take in a breath before continuing. "You left a bullet in my skull the night you killed yourself. You left me with nightmares and headaches that were unbearable. Here I am though, six years later and bullet free. I don't hate you for what you did but I don't think I will ever forget. You may have put that bullet in my head but without that, I wouldn't have met the most incredible man on this Earth. I wish you could have met Parsons but maybe in the afterlife someday. I love you, Dad. Goodbye." I press my fingers to my lips before placing them gently on the headstone. I stand up, wipe the grass of my legs, and make my way back to the car.

He stands against the front end, arms crossed over his chest. He greets me by wrapping his arms around me, pulling me into a hug. His head rests on mine as he rocks us back and forth.

"You okay?"

"I am now."

"Good." He lifts my head up and kisses me. "Ready to go get some muffins?"

"Always." I reply, smiling from ear to ear. He kisses me once more before leading me to the car door, which he opens for me. I watch as he walks around the car before getting into the driver seat and can't help but smile. I may have gone through hell but he made sure I got out. And who would've guessed that it all started with a beanie.

It All Started with a BeanieWhere stories live. Discover now