We got to talk a bit more, got to know each other, and I met this kind, hardworking, passionate woman who championed for her causes as much as she gave her all in a triathlon. We ended up talking, and talking, and talking. Soon, we started having coffee and spending breaks together.

Those coffee sessions became yoga classes, then became mountain hikes.

There was one hike that particularly stood out with me - 2013, we were in Baguio and you took me to your favorite spot, Chocolate de Batirol. I don't know what was in the air back then, but a switch flipped inside me that day.

Seeing your smile when you drank your favorite hot chocolate and licked the mustache off made me feel things about you that I never thought I would.


A wave of nostalgia hit Pia when she told that story.

Loren wasn't always the most active of people, but she almost always joined her on various hikes. Baguio was a particularly special place for Pia and she showed Loren various stops in the trail that meant a lot to her.

The final stop was to Chocolate de Batirol, where they both helped themselves to some bibingka and tsokolate, two of Pia's favorite things. Despite not being into chocolate, Loren still tried it anyway.

Yet the one detail Pia remembered the most was a different kind of sparkle in Loren's eyes that day.


Still, only took me going to London 15 years later for both of us to admit to ourselves, and each other, what we had. I'll leave the details to Leni and Risa, who are in the best position to tell the stories that led us to this point. Otherwise, we will be standing here all day.

This vow is addressed to you, my dearest Pilar, my dearest wife, the sunset to my sunrise, keeper of most of my state secrets,

I love a lot of things about you:

Your smile that never fails to melt even the strongest of my defenses,

Your love for chocolate in any shape and form,

Your eyes that sparkle when you open your washi tape collection or talk about your workout for the day,

Your focus and determination whether it's championing one of your pet bills or biking on the mountains,

Every single facet of you.


Just then, Pia then let out a soft giggle and found Loren stumbling into her words upon hearing it. "Ngayon pa talaga, Pilar?"

Risa then peeked from Loren's side of the gallery and joined the giggling while rubbing Loren's arm. "Ate Lo, relax lang."

Soon, Loren found her composure and continued her vows.


I promise to support you in your trophy wife dreams and show you off like the proud wife that I am because you are worth showing off. No ifs, no buts.

I promise to cheer you on in every race you join, whether it's on the track or in life, no matter where I am in the world.

I promise to live and speak my truth, no matter how difficult it is, and to show up as my truest, fullest self in all the ways.

I promise to choose you when the going gets tough and join you in fighting our demons side by side.

Most of all, I promise to be your partner in crime, and partner in life, in every sense of the word.

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