Beach House

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There's something about riding a bike that brings Pia to a state of zen no matter what the circumstance and this bike ride around Antique (where her next Ironman will take place) is no exception.

Perhaps, it's being able to meet new faces and see new places that she wouldn't otherwise be able to reach had she chosen to hide behind the "safety" of a car.

Or being able to witness the shift of colors on the horizon as days transition to nights in real-time.

Or getting intoxicated with that rush of adrenaline when conquering a particularly difficult route and still feeling that high hours after.

Maybe it's all three, and then some.

Once she finished a particularly challenging trail, Pia parked her bike next to a kawa bath and soaked herself in the large tub. The scent of various flowers and leaves penetrated through her skin and the warm spring water relaxed and unknotted those tired, aching muscles.

All Pia wanted was to relax and feel all the sensations around her, but now all she hears in her head is Loren's voice explaining the history of the kawa bath and the characteristics of each type of flower that's infused inside.

"Loren? Nasaan ka?", Pia called out.

She looked around to see where the voice is coming from, only to find no one else nearby. "Nababaliw na ba ako?"

Now a bit disoriented, Pia climbed out of the kawa and pedaled to a very familiar route on a way to a small house by the beach. 

As soon as she got there, she fiddled for the keys and unlocked the door.

This was the first time she visited this place since Loren flew to London, and the very first time she came here by herself. Technically, the house is Loren's, but over time, it became their shared oasis away from the city.

It hasn't been touched for quite a while, based on the workout gear strewn on one corner of the living area, a blue patadyong hanging on one of the dining chairs, and two pairs of slippers by the doorstep.

On one of the walls was a montage of various photos of the two of them in various points in life, including a few from as early as 2010. "The only year where her hair was shorter than mine."

After taking a quick shower, she changed into a tank top and a loose pair of pants and headed for the hallway leading to the bedrooms.

The two of them chose to sleep in separate rooms for a variety of reasons. It's a setup that's a bit unusual for a lot of people, but it was a decision they've come to not regret at various points in life.

Instead of heading straight for her bedroom, Pia chose to enter Loren's bedroom instead. She has seen the inside of the room before, but this was her first time seeing the entire room in full display.

Her place looked straight out of one of those heritage homes one would find in a museum, with an open capiz shell window overlooking the sea. The sheets are a crisp white the way she always liked it.

And the smell, oh that smell.

Pia doesn't have the wide range of sensory vocabulary Loren did, but she could sense some flowery notes, perhaps, with an earthy undertone underneath it all. No matter what it was, it's distinctively Loren.

Her thoughts ran a mile a minute with a simple whiff of that scent. "What if she doesn't really love me? Has she found someone new? What if she doesn't come back ever?"

Then came thoughts of plans derailed and shifted around all because someone took a damn flight to another country. Upon hearing the voice inside her head, she mentally slapped herself on the face. "Hindi ka ganito, Pia. You're much better than this."

Part of her wanted to get out of here and just sleep in her own room, but there was something about this room that calls her to rest here, If only so that Pia could feel her presence even for a short while.

For once, Pia heeded that call - she laid down on Loren's bed and drifted off into dreamland for the night.

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