Chapter 1

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I miss you, why did you make me leave?
Things aren't the same... The whole team is falling apart. Almost like your dead all over again. Only this time you won't come back. You are being forced, to become this awful creature. To become someone who kills. What about your promise.? Yet, you gave it all away, for Thea.
She's not the same anymore... She wakes up as a different person each day. Some days she doesn't even remember you are alive. She thinks she is seventeen again...
I love you, Oliver. It is that simple... Or is it really that simple? I guess not... Especially when your in love with someone you could never be with again.
Why did you make me leave...? Everyday hurts without you... I still don't regret anything that happened between us. I just wish we had a million years left to do more.
       Felicity   xoxo

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