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I wake up to my door opening as papa leads me to the rainbow room he apologizes to me about what had happened last night. I was more sad that I made Peter leave when he was just trying to help. "It's okay papa I forgive you." I say as I sit down on the table putting my head down. "Are you okay?" Eleven asks . "Yes eleven just had a rough night." , "I know I heard you crying" said eleven. "I'm sorry." I say softly. "Don't cry anymore it's okay." She says as she touches my hand and gives me a soft smile. This is the first time I seen her smile. "Thank you eleven" she walks away as she colors at the other table. I hope Peter is okay too. I close my eyes for a little bit as I feel a warm hand on my back and feel as someone is sitting in front of me. I pick up my head thinking it's papa. "Good morning sleepyhead" Peter says. "Peter?" I whisper as I am raising my head up. "Yes it's me, did you think I will hate you?" He says grabbing my hand . "I just thought you would be mad at me for yelling at you." I say looking at him "I could never 014 ." He says leaning in . I look in his eyes and then his lips and back on his eyes. "We just need to be more careful." He says letting go of my hand , he grabs something out of his pocket and slides it across to me. "For you." It's a piece of paper folded. "Read it when it's bedtime okay?" I nod . Peter stands up as papa comes in the room , "good morning children let's go!" I was the last one in the line papa leads everyone to a room. Peter is behind me, I feel the tension behind me. I know he is staring at me. Watching every move. He grabs me from behind. "Tell me. How nervous do I make you?.. i can feel your body tensing up with every move you make." He whispers in my ear and closes the door behind us as we walk to the practice room. I line up and put my hands behind my back. Today was the day we fought each other. To prove how strong we were. Up next 011 and 012. Peter blindfold them and I watch as 011 gets defeated. Everyone started calling her weak making me mad. I put my hand into a fist as I can see how scared she is and sadden. Someone needs to put them in their place. "Next 014." Papa says as eleven goes and sits down with the rest. I stand up straight and go across 012. as I wait to be blindfolded . Peter goes behind me and blindfolds me. "Don't get to excited now, maybe later you can be though." He whispers and walks off. I position myself. For Eleven. I sweep him off his feet. I take off the blindfold and smile as I go and sit back down next to eleven . "For you" , she smiles. And we go back to the rainbow room. I look around to find Peter nowhere. I sit next to eleven talking with her just to wait for him. "Why do you like Peter?" Eleven asks. I look at her puzzled. "What?" Eleven looks at me like I just said the dumbest thing ever. "I know you like him but why." I was shocked , cause I thought all she knew was papa. But this woman can speak. "Is it cause of his hair? He has cute hair." I laugh " yes eleven for his hair" she is 11 what I'm I suppose to say when she's 11. I look around again. Still no Peter. Where could he be. Time passes and the guards take us to our rooms , they close our doors and turn off the lights. Where is Peter why didn't he come ? I get worried biting my nails . Maybe I should just sleep. I close my eyes and fall asleep I am suddenly awake by my door being unlocked. "Papa?" No answer. My door opens . I get up from my bed . "Hello?" There was no one. I walk out my room into a hallway. "Papa?" All of a sudden I feel someone grab me and cover my mouth , I struggle to try and get out but their grip was too hard all of a sudden I was in a room . The lights turn on. "Peter what are you doing" I asked. "I missed you." He says grabbing my hands . "I missed you too where were you? You made me very worried." Peter kisses my lips "I know I know I am sorry , papa had me doing things..let's go to my room okay?" I nod and he carries me bridal style to his room I felt happy , he opens his room door and puts me on his bed , and he quietly closes the door. He smiles and hugs me , he takes off his shoes and lays down he grabs me and makes me lau down on his chest. I smile as I snuggle into his chest . I hold his hand as he puts his hand on my waist. "You are so warm" he says . "Thank you, you are always cold I guess I have to keep you warm all the time now." I say, he laughs as he makes out with me. I put my arms over his neck as he makes his way on top of me . "I love your soft lips so much." He says has he kisses my neck and slowly makes his way down to my vagina. He puts my panties to the side and slowly licks and puts his tongue on me. I moan softly as I grip onto his hair. He grabs my hips and moves me closer to his face , he backs away and takes my whole panties off and continues to tongue me . He moves his tongue faster and continued to put it more deeper. He puts his hand on top of my stomach and presses down. I start moaning loudly gripping onto his hair basically pulling it at this point. , He gets up and unbuttons his shirt and his pants. He takes off his shirt and pants. He pulls off his boxers and he puts his cock in. He rubs my clit with his thumb as he is slowly going into me. "You're mine." He says as pins my hands down as he goes faster. "All mine y/n." He lets go of my hands and grabs my waist as he goes faster , "fuck Peter! fuck!" He covers my mouth. "Shut the fuck up slut ." He puts his hand on my throat . Squeezing it . Tears come out my eyes as he goes harder. "Aw what's wrong princess? Can't take it?.. to bad you are going to take it all in just like the slut you are." He pumps into me more I roll my eyes back. He grabs on my face gripping it. "Look at me slut, look at how I fuck you, hear how good I make you feel princess." He says , he puts his hand down on my stomach again . "I need you to be a good girl for me and be quiet while I do this ." He starts fucking me fast putting pressure on my stomach, it was so hard to keep in my moans tears form out my eyes. As I quietly whine. Gripping onto the sheets as I am close to climax . "I'm going to cum I'm going to cum!" , "Cum then baby, I am not stopping you today." He says as he looks at me . He groans as he enters deeper into me. I couldn't hold it anymore I reach my climax and slowly calm down . "Mmm good girl " he takes his cock out as he finishes on my stomach he wipes it off and He gets my clothes and puts it on me. he helps me put on my panties . He puts on his clothes and kisses me all over my face "you did so good, I'm so proud of you" he kisses my wrist and my neck and kisses my cheeks . We back down cuddling . Tired and weak I smile. "Peter" I said "hm love?" , "Was there ever a 001?" I look at him , he looks at me and stops smiling." Yes there was." Was. "What happened to him?" , Peter looks away for a second and then smiles "that's another story for a different time love, it's quite a long story." , At least there was a 001. I close my eyes "I love you Peter" he pulls me closer and smiles "I love you too, papa doesn't deserve you. You are so sweet and caring, if we ever get out this place, I want to be with you forever." I smile and yawn "forever Peter?" I say "forever I promise." I smile and fall asleep, Peter falls asleep too.

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