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"Listen, I can talk to my father. Maybe he can clear our names somehow?" Wilbur was walking me back to the beach, but only because he insisted and could not be told no.

"He just needs to clear your name. Nobody knows who I am," I said.

"Lorelai." I turned to look at him. "You are the only person in this whole godforsaken kingdom that looks the way you do. With a little asking around, they'll figure you out and you'll be ruined. I can't let that happen," he explained, a certain kind of fervent tone in his voice.

"Even if your father believes you, which I doubt he will, the opinion of the public always seems more credible than what one old man says," I retorted, walking slightly faster. I heard him stop walking, and when I looked back over my shoulder, he was staring straight ahead. I could almost hear an idea pop into his head.

"I have an idea."

"I see that." He started walking again.

"This is going to sound ridiculous and you have every right to say no," he said, as though he was preparing me for the worst idea of my life. "We could pretend to be courting. Granted, it won't completely explain away whatever those people thought they saw, but it will alleviate some of the negative attention." Alarm bells blared in my mind, screaming at me to get away. But, in a strange eye-of-the-storm moment, the logical side of me told me that maybe this wasn't such a terrifying idea.

"That could work," I said, the details of the plan already formulating in my head.

"I'm really sorry about all this." My shoes sunk into the white sand. "I know that you aren't too fond of me, but this has to work." Something in his voice changed, and I turned around to look at him. He had stopped right on the edge of the grass, just before it turned into sand.

"I'm aware."

"We have to pretend to be madly in love. Otherwise, this supposed scandal will never be glossed over," he said quietly, and his eyes held a certain glimmer that I couldn't explain.

"Trust me. I know how to pretend."

"Tell me everything," Daphne said. She had swam up to me as soon as I had gone beneath the water, her black eyes lit up with pervasive curiosity. I couldn't blame her though; she had no idea what went on above the surface.

"I may have gotten myself wrapped up in something of a scandal," I said as casually as I could, even though I knew it was a fallacy.

"No way." Her mouth hung agape. I found myself smiling slightly at her surprise as I walked along the rocky reef. She swam beside me, Natsu following close behind, barely a dark shadow in the dusky waves.

"Close your mouth. A minnow might swim in," I chuckled.

"You are acting differently. You never laugh. Let alone smile!" She was grinning from ear to ear. I could almost see the excitement emanating from her. "Please tell me what happened," she begged.

"He took me up to his bedroom-" Her eyes widened even further, and I laughed. "It wasn't like that. We talked for a little bit, and then we made music."

"...Is that a euphemism?" She asked, and I shook my head with a smile on my face, unaware of the heat rushing to my cheeks.


"Are you sure? I'm gonna ask Apollo next time he comes to visit," she said with shocking certitude. If there's one thing I love about Daphne, it would have to be her determination. She's never been known to give up on anything, or anyone. Not even me, when I was at my worst. I don't know what I'd do without her to keep me sane.

"You can ask, but I'm sure his answer will be the same as mine."

"When does the scandal part happen then?" She asked eagerly, thirsty for any tidbit of juicy gossip. Not that she had anyone to tell it to, but it still was something she prided herself on being in possession of.

"We were talking, and he leaned in a little closer, and then a group of nobility barged into his room and saw us," I said. Her eyes told me she wanted more information. "They automatically assumed some uh...unsavory activities were happening."

"Well, were they?!" Daphne nearly screamed. Always so excitable, she was.

"No!" I laughed. "His reputation is on the line now, but we have a ruse to put into place. Hopefully it clears his name," I explained.

"You're going to pretend to be in love with him."

"I'm going to pretend to be in love with him," I affirmed. A smug smile danced across her lips and a mischievous glimmer twinkled in her eyes.

"It won't be pretend for very long, you know," she said slyly. I rolled my eyes. "He obviously has a crush on you. There's no way he doesn't!" Her enthusiasm made up for my apparent lack thereof.

"That's ridiculous. He's a prince," I said, climbing the stairs to my cove. Daphne grasped my wrist, turning me around to face her and her piercing black and gold eyes.

"And you're beautiful. Give him a chance? I'd die to see you happy," she said with a shocking amount of sincerity. I gave her a fake grin.

"I'll try," I lied, and she smiled and swam away.

"Lorelai." Thetis' voice dragged me out of sleep. "A young prince and his father are here to see you." The disgust on her face was cleverly hidden behind a mask of complacency. "Get dressed and meet them on the beach. I'll be waiting." And then she left. Still rubbing the sleep out of my eyes, I pulled myself out of bed and towards the wardrobe.

Here we go.

When I finally made my way to the beach, I saw Thetis already there, but Wilbur looked like he couldn't see her. God magic, probably. Phil was expertly avoiding her piercing gaze. He and I were more alike than I wanted to admit. As I reached Thetis' side, I noticed the exact moment she made herself visible. Immediately Wilbur dropped to his knees, his head bowed; a sign of respect.

"Goddess, thank you for-"

"Stand." Her voice was salty and cold. Wilbur's face flushed pink with shame as he stood, his golden-brown eyes focusing on me. My gaze was fixed on his shoes. "What is your will with my daughter?" But I had a funny feeling that she already knew. The half-shame in Phil's eyes gave it away.

"Goddess, could I have the honor of taking Lorelai's hand in marriage?" Surprisingly, Thetis let him continue talking. "She is the most wonderfully confusing and inspiring woman I have ever had the privilege of meeting. I would treat her with the utmost respect and adoration." The false sincerity in his voice almost had me convinced that he did care for me. But of course, he is a man, and that is out of his emotional range.

I met his eye and what I saw terrified me.

It was almost...

"You can have her. Her belongings will be delivered to the castle before the day is over," Thetis said without a second thought. "She doesn't have much." Phil nodded solemnly. Before I knew it, Thetis vanished into thin air, leaving me swallowing the panic quickly bubbling in my chest.

"Come with us, Lorelai. I have a room set up in the castle for you. I'll have Ophelia and Anatolios transport your belongings," Phil said gently. His eyes seemed more tired than usual, the lines and bags more pronounced. I stumbled forward only to be caught by Wilbur's strong hands.

"Are you alright?" He whispered, his eyes searching mine for an answer. Vaguely I realized that his touch didn't send me into a frenzy. Rather, he grounded me, made me more myself. It was an unfamiliar feeling.

"You never said anything about an engagement."


bing bong I'm back hello how have you been

ignore my month long absence that tends to happen a lot sorry lmao

anyway make sure you're eating good food, drinking plenty of water, taking your meds, and getting enough sleep!!!! you're very important to me :D

I'll see you adorable little gremlins in the next chapter <3333333

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