"They call themselves the Umbrella Academy, a group of scheming perfidious malcontents who accosted me in the fall of 1963, when I was away on business in Dallas. Be warned, they claim to be my spawn" Reginald explained

"Claim? Look, Five, what the hell is going on?" A woman questioned

So that was his name, Five.

"I don't know yet but it's concerning" Five replied

"Is he telling the truth?" Marcus asked

"Not the part of us being perfidious" Another person spoke

"No, no, we're amateur-fidious at best" The first man corrected

"But we are his children, this is our house" The last person stated

"Yeah, yeah, we uh we grew up here" Another man stated

He was blonde and well.. big.

"Yeah yeah we grew up here" Alphonso mocked him

Fei chuckled

"I kind of think we would've noticed you" Sloane spoke

The man looked at Sloane

"Hi, I'm Luther" He smiled

"Okay, none of you belong here" The first woman spoke

"Oh, well then, I guess we'll just pack our bags and move out" Fei spoke

Christopher said something, which caused some of them to laugh.

"You slay me Chris" Ben said

Grace walked in, Valerie was the only one who saw her like a mother. She walked in with a plate of cookies.

"I wasn't expecting company. This is the best I could do on short- short, short notice" She smiled

"Mom" The knife man said

"Mom? She's a robot, you perv. He's just like Valerie" Jayme laughed

"It's not a robot" He replied

"Hey don't you call him that" Luther stated

"Or what?" Ben said

"Come closer and find out!" Luther threatened

An argument broke out between the two academies.

"You got thirty seconds to get out of our house" Marcus said

"And if we don't?" The woman asked

"Then we'll have to settle this the old fashioned way" Marcus answered

"Look, we just fought a literal army. Okay? This doesn't need to get ugly, let's all just calm down and let's talk" The person spoke

"Psst, Ben-er-ino, you look so much better alive than you do dead. Am I right? Except that haircut" The first guy spoke

"What the hell did you just say?" Ben exclaimed

"Oh come on, stop with all the hostility, Mr. Grumpy Pants, oh wow nice scar. Muy macho" He said

He was close enough to Ben now

"Shut your mouth" Ben said

"You shout your mouth and just hug your brother!" He beamed

Ben punched him, causing the man to lose his balance and tumble.

"Hey! What the hell you didn't have to do that!" Luther exclaimed

"Oh pretty sure I did" Ben retorted

Suddenly Luther threw a punch, causing everyone to go into fight mode. Jayme, Sloane, Valerie and Alphonso were standing there watching the fight between Fei and the woman. Valerie was upstairs once again, spacing out when she saw someone crash into the paintings.

Suddenly the person left, Jayme was walking up to Five and the woman.

"Hey short pants, what's up" Jayme said

Valerie saw the woman pass by, she flinched at the girl but when she realized she wouldn't do anything she brushed it off. Valerie's gaze followed her, she had too many questions about everything flooding her brain.

Suddenly she felt herself be pulled into the hold of someone, she felt lips moving against hers. Attempting to get out of the grip, she couldn't until she pushed herself back and punched the boy causing him to roll down the stairs.

Jayme left, Valerie saw how Fei chased three of them away, she ran to a shortcut meeting up with them holding the door.

"Follow me" She signaled

She led them out through a secret doorway, then going back to the others. She was now forced to head into training with her adoptive siblings in the gym. They were all on treadmills.

"Big one is strong but slow, possibly stupid. Some sort of.. simian hybrid" Marcus said

"Who took the little jumpy guy?" Sloane asked

"Me but Valerie gave him a spanking and sent him to school" Jayme stated

"He kissed me what do you expect?" Valerie argued

"Hey-oh" Alphonso yelped

"The skinny one is their weakling" Fei stated

"Unless hiding behind the couches shouting 'where's my daddy?' Is his power" Ben added

Valerie spotted Grace with beverages.

"Enough post gaming, they disrespected us, Marcus" Ben spat

Grace was setting down their smoothies

"We need to be out there finding those freaks and taking them out" Ben added

"Oh you mean like this?" Marcus asked

The treadmills turned off as Marcus played the footage of one of the umbrella academy members blowing them back. Valerie was impressed yet she didn't care what Marcus had to say so she finished helping Grace and began to drink her own smoothie. Reginald came in the room.

"You summoned, number one?" He spoke

"Sit" Marcus replied

Reginald sat, Valerie helped him.

"You spent time with these people, what's your assessment?" Marcus asked

"Unimpressive. Neanderthals on a day pass, cried too much and showered too little. The only thing they lacked more than grit was any regard for one another" Reginald answered

"No loyalty, we can use that" Ben announced

Valerie was walking out when she overheard her father informing the others about how the Umbrella Academy saved the world. Walking into her room she sat down on her desk, grabbing her sketchbook and began to draw the face she couldn't get out of her mind.

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