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I moved in with my friend in Nashville a week ago and so far it has been a blast. He and I were pen pals back in fifth grade and somehow we managed to stay in touch. He was and still is the only friend I trust and he knows me better than I know myself. After we had written a few letters to each other we decided to exchange phone numbers. Anyway, I finished unpacking this morning it is currently 09:25 am and Trevor is still asleep. We talked last night about all the places he had to show me. The list was bigger than I had thought. I tried to tell him in the best way possible that I was not interested in touring in Nashville.....he of course did not take it too well. I just want to start working and finding a quiet gym somewhere. Trevor's grandmother owns a bakery not so far from here but I don't have the skill to work there. Thankfully I saw online that a big company, Hanks enterprise was hiring so I went and got interviewed as soon as my plane had landed in the US. They emailed me the next day and said that I was hired. That was the proudest moment in my life, doing something without my father butting in. I start working tomorrow on Monday.

"Good morning mate, how'd you like your tea, Mate" Trevor walks into the kitchen looking like a hot mess. He looks like that every morning, you'll get used to it, I haven't though.

"First of all, we don't say "mate" the Australians do, and second I like my COFFEE with a splash of oat milk"

"Damn alright, then you can make your own coffee. But I was thinking of eating breakfast at Marys's bakery and I also really want you to try it so go put on some clothes so we can get going"

"Trevor I am dressed, you on the other hand need to put on some pants before I pluck my eyeballs out. Do you have any TIGHTER briefs!?!?!." I swear those boxer shorts show more than his naked self.

"I don't like you in the mornings. I'll be right down grouchy"

Grouchy? this man needs to get laid.

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