How to save a life

Start from the beginning

"Alexander Pierce is their Leader. Hess been feeding you lies about freedom.. when the only thing he wants is to create chaos.. war and destruction"

All the council members including you, turns to look at him in disgust. He shrugs it off, trying to play it cool, emptying his glass. But you see right through him. Like you did the very first time you met him.

"The STRIKE and insight crew are HYDRA as well. We don't know how many more, but I know they're in the building. They could be standing right next to you."

Pierce takes out his phone, calling on every alarm he can. Trying to stop it.. but there's no stopping you now.

"They almost have what they want.. absolute control. They shot Nick Fury. And it won't end there. So if you launch those hellicarriers today, HYDRA will be able to kill anyone that stand in their way. Unless we stop them. I know I'm asking a lot. But the price of freedom is high. It always has been. And it's a price I'm willing to pay. And if my team is the the only ones then so be it. Because we will stop them. But I'm willing to be we're not."

You smile proudly, trying hard not to break character. There's just something about Steve and long emotional speeches..

"You smug son of a bitch" Rockwell hisses.

You get pulled out of your head, this was your time to shine.. everyone in this room was absolutely furious at Pierce.

You turn around hearing the sound of footsteps as Rollins and to other members of the STRIKE team walks in.

"What are you waiting for Arrest him" Singh scoffs.

Rollins and the other guards take out their guns pouting them at Singh.

"I guess I've got the floor" Pierce chuckles.

"You have created a weapon that can kill millions, and you're using it for the wrong reason" you say calmly. "Call it off"

"I don't think so" he grins.

"Launch them" he calls over his ear piece.

You watch as the countdown disappears. It reads out launching it bold red letters. You pray to god Steve has a plan.

You stand quietly, looking out over the horizon as the hellicarriers launch into the air one by one. As shots fire all around them. You foot was tripping waiting for your que to do something... anything.
You had to look like someone that was afraid of the gun pointed at you head.

"Let me just ask you a question" Pierce says. "What if you had a chance to control every move a person makes. Making sure no one ever got hurt again. Let's say your family was all dragged into a stadium for execution, and you could just stop it.. with the flick of a switch" he says, pouring you all another glass of champagne handing it out to you. "Wouldn't you?" He asks. "Wouldn't you all?"

"Not of it was your switch" Singh says coldly, throwing the glass down to the floor.

Pierce chuckles darkly, reaching out his hand. Rollins hands him a gun. He smirks as he points it right towards Singh.

Fuck waiting

You kick Singh on the hip, making him fall to the ground. The grabbing Pierces hand twisting it, until he drops the gun. Punching him directly in the face. Mean while catching the gun with your other hand. You reach into your bra, taking out a small device throwing it against the two guards, electrocuting them, as they fall to the floor. You take the gun in your hand firing a shot at rolling right in the shoulder, before kicking him right between his legs, smashing his head down onto the hard marble floors.

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