I'm sorry for liking you...

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-Killing you with my kisses, he said pressing his lips against the younger's.



The latter was in the garden planting some roses when he heard Minho calling him.

-What did I do this time, boss? he asked with his arms crossed.

-You did an excellent job and I wanted to give you this, Minho said shoving in Jisung's face a huge bouquet of flowers.

-You want me to plant them?

-No. I am giving them to you. Like a gift.

-You're giving flowers to a gardener as a gift? Jisung asked hoping Minho was joking.

-I told Hyunjin this was stupid, Minho mumbled to himself.

-Did Hyunjin make you do this? Is he trying again to make you be nice to me?

-No! I mean yes! I mean... I don't know how to explain this...

-Are you feeling ok, hyung? You're all red, he said placing his hand on Minho's forehead to check his temperature. You're burning. Should I call Jeongin?

-No, I'm fine! I'll go return the flowers, he said awkwardly.

-You idiot! Minho threw the flowers in Hyunjin's face.

-What did I do?

-To give flowers to a gardener?

-I didn't tell you to do it! You just asked me what I did with Seungmin.

-And how did that go, mister "single as fuck"?

-Maybe try with chocolate?

-Chocolate...I can do that. Yeah...

The next day, Minho came with a box of expensive chocolates to Jisung.

-What's this?

-A gift.

-Hyung, you're freaking me out. Are you trying to poison me or something?

-No. I'm just appreciating you, Minho tried to smile, resulting in a terrifying expression.

-Yeah... I don't fo chocolate. I used to have rotten teeth all the time. I spent so much time at the dentist that I watched the birth of 34 fishes named Jerry and Bob.

Minho's final try was with a cheesecake. His last chance...

He was sweating like crazy. His heart was beating so fast for the first time in forever.

-Hyung, now I'm feeling like you are preparing me for my farewell party. I don't even know if you plan to kill me or to fire me.

-Neither! Minho said it a little too loud and internally slapped himself.

-Then what is it?

-I think...Minho gulped in fear. I think I like you, he finally said it closing his eyes in expectation.

But nothing happened. He opened his eyes and saw Jisung speechless.

He wasn't blushing or stuttering or smiling. He was worried. Why?

-Hyung, he began putting his hand on Minho's shoulder. I'm sorry! I don't like you that way. I have no such feelings towards you, he completed making Minho's heart sink.

-You don't?

That was the very first time Minho ever confessed to someone. The very first time he had a crush on someone.

Love seemed impossible for him.

But his heart was hurting so bad now.

A tear started streaming down his cheek as he looked at Jisung's expressionless face.

Jisung was feeling numb. He didn't want to hurt Minho, but didn't want to lead him on for nothing.

Minho was the first person to ever confess to him, but also...he was Jisung's first friend. Something he didn't mention to Minho.

He wanted to be friends with him, to bicker with him, to keep things just as they were.

But the guilt of rejecting him took over his brain.

-Please don't cry for me... It's not worth it. It's not me you should cry for, Jisung added whipping the tear off of Minho's cheek. I don't like seeing you like this, hyung. It's my fault. I'm sorry for not liking you! Jisung also burst into tears.

Minho hugged him tightly, mostly to hide his red face and started crying too.

-I'm sorry for liking you!

-Don't say this. I feel flattered that I caught your attention. But I want you as my friend more than anything. Can we remain friends? You are my first and best friend. I don't want to lose that. Please!

Minho nodded, knowing that any attempt of him talking would make his voice crack.

And they stayed like that for a minute, until their tears dried.

Kingdom of Roses | Stray Kids Royal AUOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz