Beep beep

861 19 13

You slowly wake up to hear a tv and beeping sounds you also hear people talking

Your vision is still blurry but you see 4-5 figures in the room then you hear screaming it sounded like"DO—-TER SHES —-AKE"

You were very confused on this you didn't know who was here or not

As your vision is slowly clearing up from the bright lights you can sort of make out the people in the room

One had blond hair the other had white hair with a streak of red you see 2 dark haired people and one with red hair who you don't recognize

Then you see another person walk into the room

Your body feels like it's on the brink of collapsing

"[name] can you hear me?"

You feel someone grab your hand your so scared you don't know where you are or who your with

But this hand felt comforting

You squeeze it tight to scared to let go...

You feel someone check your eyes and as blurry as they are you immediately close them again because the light hurt

"[pro noun] condition has seemed to improve a lot you have no clue how lucky [pronoun] is to be here right now"

"Estimating [pronoun] should be able to go home sooner then we thought"

All the sounds slowly blurr out but you were to scared to let yourself go to sleep again you sat up frightened of if passing out and tears slowly start to run down your face.

"[name] it's alright you have nothing the worry about" as you feel another calming voice slowly coming towards you you start to relax

You start to calm down and slightly hear a door close your vision is starting to clear up more and you realize who's with you

Venti is on one side of you and kazuha on the other

Aether looks terrible he has dark spots under his eyes aswell as his eyes are red

Xiao looks sad

And who's the other person as you sit there trying to think you finally remember

You don't have much strength but you smile at him he smiles back glad you finally remember him

Heizou that's who he was.

The one person who was there for you when aether left you and him hadn't talked since late Highschool. You were very happy to see him

You and aether and heizou. It all started with you and aether then heizou joined in you all hung out but heizou had more friends then you and aether as he was a social butterfly

You were very happy heizou came to see you. You thought he forgot all about you

"[name] I'm so sorry I never called after high school I got pretty busy with life and thought you'd be fine. I'm so so sorry" he sounds very apologetic

You don't have much strength but you manage to say "it's... fine..."

He smiles and starts talking again

"Well aether somehow got my number and ya know how I'm really good at guitar so they sort of invited me to the group the other day and I of course said yes me and aether were going to prank you but you kinda got into a car crash-"

He was just like you remembered always talking your head off

You start to laugh

"Did I miss something why are you laughing????"

That just made you laugh even more.

"It's nothing"

Venti finally speaks up "visiting hours is almost over guys. It ends in like 5 minutes so I think we have to go" he says in a sad voice "it was nice talking to you today [name]! He sounds happy at that part

They all get there things and leave not wanting to add more pressure to the doctors

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