y/n pov

i was walking to the principal's office, then i heard seungmin calling my name and running to me, "why did you leave me alone there" he said finally walking up to me

"i already said i have to go to the principal"

"oh right, well see you around then"

i nodded and we both walked off, then i finally reached, i took a deep breath and walked in.

"oh hello y/n" the principal greeted me, i bowed and walked in

"did you need me for anything?" i said a little confused

"yes!! you know how once every two years our school holds a charity event for students who live away from their home and arent financially stable right?"

i nodded again, i may or may not know what this is about. i sighed

"well so for that, we're collecting funds from the capable students from our school, here- show this to your mom and let me know if it interests her" he said and handed me a form and a flyer

"oh.." i said and took it, before i would say anything hyunjin walked in.

he came in and stood infront of the principal's desk, next to me. "did you ask for me?" he questioned, the principal explained the same thing to him about the event as he did to me and handed him those papers.

"i am gonna ask more students about this, please show this to your parents and let me know latest by this week!"

"ah of course" i said in a low voice with a slight smile, and bowed, hyunjin looked at me and somewhat bowed as well.

"can i leave now?" he then asked the principal

"yeah! oh can you take those books on that table and give them back in the library?" he pointed on the pile of books on a desk over on the left, "y/n go help him" he added

"but-" aish i cant even say no. "okay" i said and walked over to the table and grabbed a few of the books, hyunjin took the rest.

we both then walked out slowly, and started walking towards the library. it was quite the whole time

"ugh i hate climbing stairs" i whispered, carrying books makes it worse. he could've just asked someone else OR SOME STAFF
im pretty sure i dont come to school for this, i rolled my eyes and continued walking up
and then we both finally reached, as we walked over to the librarian to give them to her, she requested us to arrange those. no thanks my mom doesn't pay school fees for this, i tried making up a excuse

"actually i have cla-"

"you still have about 15 minutes! that should be enough since these aren't alot"

whatever, I'll just get over with this. these lazy asses won't leave me alone unless i don't. "fine" i said and took those books, hyunjin followed me with another pile in his hand

"those go on shelves to your right!" the librarian yelled from behind, we walked there and started putting books in their places quickly

"uh where the hell does this one go?" i said to myself as i held one of the books trying to figure out where its supposed be, then i finally noticed a few more books similar to it so i walked up to keep it, but it was a bit too high

where do they keep that library stool thing? nevermind I'll just-

i tried to tip toe and put the book in, but it wasnt working.

"aishh just a little m-" but then i suddenly felt someone behind me, hyunjin reached out his hand and took the book from me, then put it where it was supposed to be, i froze for a bit again, and stood there without wanting to turn and look back at him.

"your welcome" he said and walked back off me, i quickly turned back and started to walk away without saying anything, he didn't say anything either and we both went back to what we were doing.

after about 10 minutes or so, we got done and decided to walk out, "thank you so much both of you!" the librarian said as we left

"yaah" hyunjin said as i started walking away, so i turned back


"its my birthday"

wow, imagine. so special

"oh.. happy birthday" i said while trying to pretend i didnt know

he took a step closer to me and asked, "are you coming today?"

i took a second thought before saying anything, i have no reason to go. plus its not like im the one he goes around buying dresses so why even should i? he has his little witch

i took a step closer to him aswell, "of course, how could i not?" i smiled

~to be continued


so tiny bye

so tiny bye

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