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— Is this a joke? Hey, Lord! Do you hear me? — I shout to the waves coming at me. A cold wind drove large gray clouds that deprived the coast of light. The usual weather for San Francisco. Tears flow down my cheeks, a lump in my throat didn't allow me to speak. I feel a storm raging inside me: "Why me?" My head is spinning. "Going to the beach was a bad idea. What time is it?" Sitting on a rock, I closed my eyes. "How did my life turn into this? I'm so tired. I don't even have anywhere to go, no family, no friends, no one. And I'm only 19 years old." I hugged my knees with my hands, bursting into tears even more. "Maybe I can fix it? But... Do I want to?" My toes and hands are numb. If I keep sitting here, I'll wake up tomorrow with bronchitis. "Although I don't care about that right now. I don't have any more plans anyway. None at all. My life is ruined. I don't want to leave here." Silently warming my palms with my breath, I watched the waves blast on boulders. The cool wind blew my hair and passed through the jumper. The sea air smells of freshness and freedom.

— Lizzie Grant? — A voice broke the silence. How in hell he knows my name. — Hey, what are you doing here alone? 

I looked around: a few meters away from me was a guy with fair hair, clear blue eyes and a kind smile.

— Put it on, — He sounded right behind me. Jumping up in fear, I turned around with the words:

— If you touch me even once, I'll break your nose.

The stranger was silent for a while, holding corduroy jacket in his hands.

— Someone had a bad day, — a slight grin grew on the plain face.

— Leave me alone, please, — I'm not up to new acquaintances right now. What does a young guy do on the beach in the evening?

— I just thought you needed help, that's all, — the stranger said. Does he know me?

— Thank you for your concern but you definitely can't help me. — I hope this ends as soon as possible.

— Tell me what happened and then we'll see, — great, now he's attached to me. What if... There's nothing left to lose. We looked into each other's eyes for a while. Apparently, he doesn't trust me either.

— I'm Jasen, by the way, — he held out his hand. To be honest, there were no suspiciously friendly strangers in my plans... Oh, yes, there was nothing in my plans.

We shook hands. His fingers are hot, now I realize how cold I am. I sat back down patting the stone next to me. At the same moment, the warmth from his jacket spread down my back. I silently nodded my thanks to him and wrapped myself in a soft brown cloth. Jasen sat down next to me, at arm's length, and looked at me intently, ready to listen. Finally, I gathered my thoughts:

— Feels like life is bursting at the seams. The day started with the fact that I woke up long before the alarm clock because of a nightmare in which my parents made another scandal, — my gaze darted between Jasen, the sea, my sneakers and the bridge.

— My father got drunk once again and totally lost control... — it still hurts to remember this, but the pictures haunt me in my dreams.

— My parents divorced when I was 11. I've seen and experienced too much pain by this time. And that horror haunting me in dreams... It's like I'm reliving everything all over again, — tears are dripping on my jeans but I pretend to remain calm. Jasen turned away without saying a word until I wiped my face. The clouds cleared and we both looked at the sun hanging over the sea. Slightly warm rays gently illuminated our faces.

— When I woke up in a cold sweat, I couldn't recover for a while, but eventually I packed my things and went to study. With great difficulty from the suburbs of Chicago I managed to get into the university here. And hell, I've accepted that everything I've ever loved left in my hometown... tomorrow I won't have a home at all. Just a couple of hours ago I lost my scholarship so I can't afford my rent. I'm homeless, — It was the last thing I managed to say. I don't know what to do. I no longer have the strength to hold my emotions. I hid my face with my hands. Jasen pulled up and hugged my shoulders tightly. When was the last time I was hugged? That was the feeling I needed right now.
— Life is difficult, — after a small pause he continued, — You can't give up so easily. There's always a chance to return into uni.
We sat in silence for a few minutes. Jasen wouldn't let me go until I had finally calmed down. It's unusual to get support from someone you see for the first time in your life.
— What if I was wasting my time on something I've never been interested in?
— I don't want to sound rude but what was the point of doing anything you don't like? - The corners of his eyebrows rose slightly upwards.
— Because of my parents, I guess... They said I wouldn't get anywhere without proper education. I got into uni just to get away from them. How foolish I am, — I sighed and put my hand to my chin.
— Today is a lucky day because my nose is still intact and also because we met. My friends are looking for stuff for their restaurant and especially musicians. I can put in a good word for you, — I don't believe my own ears:
— Are you kidding me? — Jasen took his phone out of his pocket.
— Give me your number, — it suspicious.
— You don't even know if I can sing, — looks like he's deaf.
— I saw you on open mic a few months ago, — said the lad, waiting for my number. That's explains why he call me by the name. 
— What's the catch? — For now, I think he's just making stuff up, but I still took a chance.
— No tricks. I swear, — the guy bent his elbows at me with his hands. I still don't believe him.

— Why would you do that?

— You know, if I get a chance to do something good, I gonna use it, — and I gonna have a hard time believing it but I'll pretend, just in case. An unknown number appeared on the screen when he called me. The time was 8.

— Write me down as "Savior", — he joked. The cool wind blew. I forgot that Jasen gave me his jacket. Not like I care but I still hope he didn't catch a cold.

— I have to go now. Thank you very much, for your help and for the jacket? — I stretched it out.

He had a perfect Hollywood smile on his face.

— You need a ride? — Oh, no, I'm never getting in a stranger's car.

— Thank you, I'm fine. I mean, I think you've done enough for me so, — I don't want him to know where I live, unless I can keep paying the rent.

— Okay well, call me tomorrow about the job, — Jasen turned around and went to his car.

— If you don't change your mind, — He added. "I didn't even agree," I thought, watching him go. He was probably sugar coating . And there's no friends, there's no restaurant. Even if that were true I'm never gonna call him. Maybe Jasen managed to help me today, but that doesn't guarantee that he can be trusted. I don't even know how old he is. Who is he? I did such a foolish thing for the first and last time. I was so immersed in my thoughts that I didn't realize I got home. With the last of my strength, I climbed up to my room and splashed onto a white mattress. Let today disappear forever from my memory.

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