Chapter One: "The First Day."

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A/N Hi! I'm Micayla. And if you want to check out my fan account on Instagram for glee its @micayla.glee
Anyway... Enjoy!!

Rachel's POV:

"Mom!...I don't want to go to school today, I don't know anyone. (I just recently lost my father he was a teacher also, same as my mom) "Just be yourself and people will come to you" my mom said encouraging me to get my keys and basically shoving me put the door.

Once I got to "McKinley High" I was immediately intimidated, everybody was talking to their friends at their lockers. As I was trying to find my own locker, number 365, I walked past this extremely cute guy, I'm not sure what his name was, but I didn't care. He was tall, fairly muscular and SEXY!

I finally found my locker, and I put in my combo and started to put my stuff in my personal space that I had, and I just glanced to my left and BAM the tall sexy guy I saw earlier was right next to my locker, " I have a feeling this is gonna be a good damn year" I said to myself. As I was admiring him secretly, I heard footsteps and then BAM. A very berry red slushie, In my face.

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