My mother on the other hand had been in the hospital for the past 8 years of our lives. She's been sick since the start of my 9th birthday. When my brothers took her to the hospital, the doctors revealed that my mother had lung cancer.

We were shocked since our  mother had never smoked a day in her life but when my brothers showed the doctors the hospital records of our grandmother who also had lung cancer before, he answered our question by saying that our grandmas blood tests showed that lung cancer was hereditary and our mother inherited it by a result of a genetic predisposition.

My father took the news to the heart and he did spend the first 3 years sticking by her side while she was well resting at home, but when she got worse and they took her to stay under watch at the hospital afterwards, he decided to distract himself with work from all the pain he was feeling by watching his wife dying slowly and he had no way of helping her.

Immediately after he left back to work, my brothers stuck by me and my mom to make sure we were both okay during these tough time. I was honestly not a very emotional person, so I shut them down from trying to baby me as I needed no help what so ever when it came to keeping my emotions in check.

I was a big girl, I matured faster than any other girl I knew that was my age. I mean, I even had my period for the first time when I was in the 2nd grade. And I most definitely had more hormones than other kids my age, considering the fact that at the young age of 9 I accidentally found out what porn was for the first time. Ever since then my hormones went crazy everywhere in my body, and I managed to grow my boobs and hips out before I even finished elementary school.

I was glad to have matured at such a young age but at the same time my older brothers despised the fact that while I was happy with growing quickly into a beautiful young woman, they had to fight off every guy both the same age and older away from me. To my brothers I was just a naive little girl in a woman's body, but to other males it seemed as if I was a mature young lady with new toys they couldn't wait to play with.

That was probably why I was still a virgin at my age. I'm not shaming virgins, but when I'm at school and have to hear all my friends brag about how amazing it is to finally get deflowered, I felt like an outcast. As if I was missing out on something that everyone was doing even though I've learned about it way before any of them did. Was it so bad for me to want to experience the same thing every other girl my age had already done?

"Just make sure that if the rumors about them are true, then make sure to get lots of lube ready before you lose your v card to them. I lost mine to a guy that was almost 9 inches and as thick as my arm. I had to take some major epson salts baths and a lot of ice to heal my poor kitty afterwards" Amy says intruding my thoughts with her no filter mouth that made me laugh.

Having a crush on my brothers hot friends wasn't the only reason why I wanted to lose my virginity to them. I've heard many girls around our city say that when they've been with them, they had their worlds rocked better than anyone else. The hot trio brothers weren't known for having sex with women together like how I've been dreaming of having them, but they were known for all 3 of them individually having one night stands with a lot of women in our city that dropped their panties for them in a flash.

Rumor had it that they all were well endowed and very gifted when it came to pleasing women in bed. And because of that, I decided to offer all 3 of them the choice of having my v card in the palm of their hand on the night of my 18th birthday party.

I didn't really think about which one I'd like to actually lose it too, but if the rumors were true about their sizes than I'd rather get a good look at all of theirs at the same time before choosing the easiest option that wouldn't kill my poor kitty.

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