Just Some Little Head Cannons.

91 3 19

Imo this song fits early Rallum very well

King Harrow would learn sign language after Sarai died to help Amaya with the grief. And thats one of the very few times Amaya has cried.

Ezran once got rid of some people who were bullying him by picking up a cocroach right in front of them (These kids were that of a high noble in the kingdom so Ez couldn't/ didn't say anything about the bullying)

A famous artist once came to the kingdom and Callum asked for his autograph, after seeing Callum's drawings, the artist asked for his autograph, which made young Callum's entire week.

Callum once tried to make jelly tarts for Sara's birthday, it didn't go half bad.

Claudia tried to copy Callum for her dad's birthday, and almost burnt down the Castle.

I feel like Corvis would enjoy making pottery or sm as a hobby. Just some hobby that uses a big fiery kiln to make nice elegant things.

The reason the Baker joined the 'Save Ezran' squad is cause he heard a mouse in the vent thingy and thought it was Ez, this lead him to realize that Ezran's visits were actually the most exiting thing about being the King's Baker.

Ezran's bakery heists secretly remind the Baker of Queen Sarai's sweet tooth, since he missed the joy and certainty that the Queen gave, he put off fixing the grate in the wall for as long as possible.

Verin once tried to grow a Xadian bonsai tree for Claudia, sadly, the magical plant did not survive the mundane potting soil. The effort he made was good thought and it still made Clauds happy.

Soren slept though most of his schooling since he stayed up too late practicing sword fighting, and the classes were generally boring.

Give clauds a book with two thousand chapters, she'll give it back the next day, along with her two hour opinion on whatever she liked about it.

Soren and Claudia cried when they found out the tooth fairy wasn't real as children. But, unlike Soren, Claudia did so because she realize it had been their mother the whole time.

Ezran sometimes gets presents from animals for Christmas, so he has a nice little collection including an elven coin, a deer's antler, a red gem the size of a strawberry (it's not magic, just cool looking), a chestnut, a purple acorn from Xadia, and an assortment of really cool feathers.

The reason Sarai cared so much about not hurting the creatures in Xadia is because when she was a girl, she was exploring kinda close to the border, and found a young unicorn stuck in a bear trap (this was before they were hunted almost to extinction).

Pip, King Harrow's bird, is the king of gossip in Ezran's friend group. (This friend group includes a selection of mice, birds, and two cats, as well as bait of course.)

Soren's favorite color is pink, though he would never admit it to anyone. The reason for this is that when he was a kid, he saw a massive shooting star with a pink trail.

Elis's favorite holiday is Easter, since that's when she gets to pet all the baby animals.

That's all for now. Have a lovely day all. 😁

Toodoloo! ❤️

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